Connor Gordon: SAS Superstar

Connor Gordon: SAS Superstar

Photos provided by Connor Gordon

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Connor Gordon is a SAS athlete who plays football for Hamilton and swims for the tri-op team in Germantown. Gordon joined SAS in 6th grade with the summer opportunities, as well as throughout all his years at HHS. Gordon says, “SAS has helped me grow stronger and faster throughout my years here at Hamilton. The agility aspect of SAS has helped me get faster and more agile on the football field. The lifting portion has greatly improved my strength and I now lift more than I ever thought I would when I started SAS.”

Gordon has been chosen as the June athlete of the month by Coach Seely. Gordon says, “I was motivated to participate in SAS because of my participation in the Hamilton Football program. Even though SAS was required, I soon realized it was a great program. It motivates me to push myself every day and work to excel in all of my sports.” His motivation to be a great hard-working athlete is always there. Coach Seely says, “He has shown great leadership in getting others to do the same, including getting some to help with community clean-up activities.” 

SAS is a really great program but through all of the fun times, there are times when things get challenging and when the athletes need to work really hard Gordon says, “I would say the most challenging part of SAS is max-out week, when we push ourselves to set new personal bests. Hitting a new max is always a difficult task.”

Overall SAS is not an easy program and it takes work and effort, but there are many fun times during SAS, Gordon says, “My favorite part of SAS is the competition and camaraderie. I enjoy working out every day with my friends and the culture pushes me to be my best every day. The relationships I build in the weight room translate to Friday nights on the football field.”

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