Lari Li and Kendall Zambon
Check out February’s top music!
All in Music
Emma Suneja
Check out this article about Synergy’s 2025 Competition Set!
Carter Zieger
Are you tired of listening to the same songs over and over again? Here are some recommendations!
Aadhitya Balaji
Can you separate art from the artist? Check out this article exploring this controversial question!
Owen Peterson
Check out this opinion piece regarding the antisemitism present in rap and hip-hop music.
Peyton Impola & Jasleen Kaur
Check out this review regarding Taylor Swift’s newest hit album: Midnights!
Eliana Mitchell
Check out some information about the first One Act Competition being held at Hamilton on 10/22!
Shannon O’Dwyer
Interested in playing guitar or bass? Come try out for Synergy Show Choir and show us what you got!
Zoe Dickert
Hamilton’s Musician of the Month is Sydney Alexander-Brown. Read more to hear about her musical skills.
Zoe Dickert
Read more to learn about Kayla Olson, Hamilton’s first 2021 selection as musician of the month!
Peyton Toepfer
Interested in playing music? Find out why you should join Jazz Band Club.