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Synergy Show Choir in Need of Guitarist and Bassist

Synergy Show Choir in Need of Guitarist and Bassist

Photo from The Edge.

Shannon O’Dwyer 

Do you play guitar? How about bass? Are you looking for a place to practice and hone your skills while being able to rock out? You’re in luck! Hamilton Synergy Show Choir is in need of a bassist and guitarist for our combo. Being a part of combo means you will get to play a full set (six songs), including the likes of “Renegade” by Styx and “Feel Invincible” by Skillet (if you don’t know these songs, listen to them. Seriously, they’re dope). You will be able to play alongside a full band and support the singer/dancers of the group. 

Synergy is our competitive show choir team with four competitions each year. In Synergy, we perform a set of songs while singing and dancing with a live band. It is a fast paced and fun environment dedicated to team building, hard work, and most importantly making music and performing. You will be able to show off your guitar skills and meet an incredible team of people ready to support you. Being on the team can build up your skills in collaboration, musicality, and time management (plus it looks good one college apps). If you don’t play bass or guitar, don’t worry you may still be able to play for combo in the coming years. Next year we will need a synth player, pianist, saxophonist, and drummer. We would love to have you and we won’t be able to perform without your help. Please consider trying out!

If you or anyone you know in Hamilton can play bass or lead guitar, come see Ms. Schmidt in the choir room (located near the cafeteria) anytime this month. From there, she will give you a sheet to sight read and further information about the practices and competitions. See you there!



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