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Music of the Month

Music of the Month

Cover photo by Anton H

Lari Li & Kendall Zambon

Hi, Chargers! Welcome to Music of the Month, a series where we’ll be recommending albums released in the last month, songs, and releasing playlists on our Spotify. 

As this is the first of the series, here’s what to expect each month:

  • Article published near the end of the month to wrap up the preceding month.

  • Occasion mood playlist (e.g. 2am driving, by the fire, cooking dinner) based on your submissions! 

  • Student body feature: 3 lucky contestants are featured to create a playlist of song recommendations that will be published on our Spotify. Their accounts will be linked.

  • Albums released in the past month that we recommend.

  • Kendall and Lari’s top songs of the month + a playlist of our recommendations and what we’ve had on repeat

  • Concerts near me! (Milwaukee, Madison, Chicago, etc.)


Submit up to 3 of your coziest songs here! 

Tune into Charger Music of the Month’s Spotify for the final playlist.


Interested in creating a playlist of your favorite songs for all of Hamilton? Fill out the interest form here, and you might just be chosen and published in next month’s article! 


Airbuds is an app where you can add friends and see what they’re listening to. By connecting to Spotify or other streaming services, Airbuds analyzes and tracks your listening for free (minutes streamed, songs on repeat, etc). The app’s feed includes what your friends are listening to at the moment, and you’re able to send emoji reactions. 

Other cool features

  • Your school: Join Hamilton! 25 schoolmates are needed to unlock compatibility and find your music twin.

  • Weekly recap: Every Sunday at 8 PM, Airbuds releases your top songs and artists, showing how many times or minutes you listened to each (i.e. total minutes, artists, and tracks played).

  • Music compatibility:  You and your friends’ music activity is analyzed, and a new score is released weekly, assigning you both a score out of 100 based on artist, track, and genre similarity. 

  • Daily roundup: Each friend “loves” a certain artist, showing their top artist of the day

  • Weekly awards: Greatest supporter award, top streamer award, etc.

  • Favorites: Add songs to the favorites section of your profile, allowing others a glimpse into your music taste.



Father John Misty - Mahashmashana

You can never go wrong with Father John Misty. You probably know him from “Real Love Baby”, “Chateau Lobby” or his appearance on Lana Del Rey’s “Let the Light In”. Track 1 is 9 minutes of pure perfection, and the rest of the album follows suit nicely. While there are only 8 songs on the album, songs range from 4 to 9 minutes long, allowing 50 minutes of music for your ears!

Mahashmashana is the perfect mix of acoustics, soft rock, and old Hollywood strings. The album name itself is an anglicization of the Sanskrit word Mahāśmaśāna (महाश्मशान), meaning “old cremation ground”. Tillman chose the word after reading it in Bruce Wagner's 2006 novel "Memorial”. Inspired, he states “just visually, it has all these sha-na-nas and ha-ha-has in it.”


Lizzy McAlpine - Older (and Wiser)

An extension of her third studio album Older, Older (and Wiser) encompasses themes of loss, identity-searching, and heartbreak. Channeling an evolution of emotions and experiences into music, this album is perfect for those undergoing a transformative time in their lives that are associated with maturing from adolescence.                                                                                                                                                           


Ceramic Animal - Cosmic Eraser

With their 5th studio album, Cosmic Eraser is a truly unique album. Composed of brothers from Massachusetts, this band captivates listeners with their upbeat, yet laid back sound. In this album, Ceramic Animal combines sounds from glam rock, post punk, and 70’s pop to create a truly unique sound. 


Kendall - 

Favourite - Fontaines D.C.

A song that takes you back to a time you didn’t know you longed to return to.

Bodys - Car Seat Headrest

The definition of “live fast while you’re young”.

Thunder - Lana Del Rey

A lovesick ballad like no other. 

Lari - 

Secret Life - Bleachers, Lana Del Rey 

The sweetest song Kendall recommended to me over the summer that’s still on repeat.

Anaheim - NIKI  

Heart-wrenching. I discovered Anaheim only recently, but it’s one of the first ones that can tear me up.

Soft Spot - keshi

For all the grumpy lovers. 


girl in red - Rave/Eagles Club (12/9)

Cage the Elephant - Rave/Eagles Club (12/11)


Chargers Music of the Month Spotify:

Kendall’s Spotify:

Lari’s Spotify:

November Students of the Month

November Students of the Month

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Optimist Club Oratorical Contest