Angelika Bourke
Check out this article on why you should join German Club!
All in Student News
Angelika Bourke
Check out this article on why you should join German Club!
Gia Quast
Take a look at this student interview with our new principal, Mr. Bauer!
Please bring in dresses to Hamilton's dress collection!
Kennedy Ellis
Check out this series to better connect with Hamilton administrators!
McKenzie Mamayek
Read these interviews to meet Hamilton High School's newest teachers!
Gabby Weisgerber
Check out this interview with Hamilton's newest Associate Principal!
Aashi Iyengar
Check out this feature on two HHS Princeton Book Award winners!
Maggie Watson
Check out the Hamilton School District’s hydroponic farming!
Nevaeh Hughes
Check out this article featuring committed Fine Arts students!
Sriya Gannapureddy
Check out Hamilton HOSA’s recent accomplishments!