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College Commits: Fine Arts Students

College Commits: Fine Arts Students

Photos submitted by students + Roberta Pratt.

Nevaeh Hughes 

This year marks the first ever signing day for students studying Fine Arts in college. Hamilton has been fortunate enough to have students furthering their education and pursuing their passions with four seniors signing this year. Although they are pursuing different majors, they all fall within the performance category. Read on to learn what these fantastic seniors have in store next!

Sydney Alexander-Brown

Millikin University

Why did you pick your college?

I picked Millikin because I feel they want me to succeed and have my best interest at heart. I also really love that I would not be just another face in the crowd. Millikin has a really beautiful sense of community which is something I really value.

What is your specific major and why did you decide to go into this?

I am majoring in Vocal Performance, and I chose this major because I want to spend the next four years of my education strengthening my voice and learning all I can about music.

What are you most excited about in the upcoming school year? 

I am excited to have a new opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people that challenge me to better myself. I am also excited to make new friends and have new experiences. 

Out of everything, what will you miss the most about the Hamilton Drama Society?

I will miss the culture. The Hamilton Drama Society was always filled with so much love and appreciation for each other, especially in the Spongebob cast, so I will miss that the most.

Throughout your time in the Hamilton Drama Society, what has been your favorite production to be a part of? Why?

My favorite production is easily Spongebob. This was the biggest production I’ve done, and there were so many new people that I got to be friends with. It was also just a fun show to be in!

Any advice for underclassmen?

The strength and perseverance within are more than enough for you to succeed. Keep going, keep working, and don’t take no for an answer. Stay humble and celebrate your accomplishments along with your peers’ accomplishments. And have fun, remember that you love what you are doing and lead with that. You can do this!

Jillian Arthur

Viterbo University

Why did you pick your college?

I chose Viterbo because I really fell in love with the faculty when I went and auditioned, and their curriculum offered classes I thought would be the best fit for me! They offer so many great performance opportunities, and it felt like home! 

What is your specific major and why did you decide to go into this?

I’m going to college for a BFA majoring in musical theatre. I decided to major in this because I really liked it, and I was just like go big or go home.

What are you most excited about in the upcoming school year? 

I am most excited to be able to be in an environment where I am surrounded by people who are as excited about the performing arts as I am. I can’t wait to be surrounded by theater in my college experience and be able to grow my skills and toolbox as a performer. 

Out of everything, what will you miss the most about the Hamilton Drama Society?

I think I will most miss the community in the Hamilton Drama Society. One of my favorite things is being a part of a show where everyone is just so excited to be together, and we can have fun while putting together a killer show. 

Throughout your time in the Hamilton Drama Society, what has been your favorite production to be a part of? Why?

My favorite production to be a part of has to have been Spongebob. We had a lot of new faces, which was super fun, as I got to meet a lot of new people, some of whom I would consider close friends now. I also just got to have a lot more fun on stage with everyone, as we were playing cartoon characters and didn’t have to take ourselves so seriously. 

Any advice for underclassmen?

You bring something unique and special to the table that no one else in the world can bring. So, don’t spend your time trying your hardest to be like everyone around you.

Cash Campbell

UW-Stevens Point

Why did you pick your college?

I picked UWSP because it was the best option for my major, and it is close to home.

What is your specific major and why did you decide to go into this?

I picked my major in Fine Arts because it is a dream of mine to make it big in screen acting and repay the Hamilton Fine Arts programs, and I’m trying to turn that into a reality. 

What are you most excited about in the upcoming school year? 

I’m excited to get to work and see how much I can improve.

Out of everything, what will you miss the most about the Hamilton Drama Society?

I will miss the people that made my life so great.

Throughout your time in the Hamilton Drama Society, what has been your favorite production to be a part of? Why?

Fire Exit or Spongebob. It’s some of the most fun I’ve had and some of my best performances. 

Any advice for underclassmen?

My advice to the underclassmen is to keep all doors open as much as possible. If you tell yourself that you can do something, you will.

Kendall Syslack

Marquette University

Why did you pick your college?

I picked Marquette because I wanted somewhere close to home that still had a city feel. I’ve always loved Milwaukee, so I thought it was a perfect fit. I also love the Marquette campus and know many alumni who loved their experience there.

What is your specific major and why did you decide to go into this?

I am a double major in Elementary Education and Musical Theatre. I initially just wanted to pursue elementary education as I love kids and working in a school type of environment, but my teacher at Hamilton, Ms. Plamann really encouraged me to give a musical theatre audition a shot. That audition ended up going very well, as I was offered a spot in Marquette’s Musical Theatre program.  

What are you most excited about in the upcoming school year? 

I am most excited about meeting new people in both of my majors who share the same passions as me.

Out of everything, what will you miss the most about the Hamilton Drama Society?

I will miss the friends I have made in the Hamilton Drama Society the most, as I wouldn’t be where I am today without them!

Throughout your time in the Hamilton Drama Society, what has been your favorite production to be a part of? Why?

My favorite production to have been a part of was in my junior year when we did Charlotte’s Web for our winter play. That was my first time experiencing children’s theater and hearing them laugh and seeing them smile at our show was so heartwarming. 

Any advice for underclassmen?

My advice for underclassmen is to pursue what you are passionate about. I denied my love for theater and the arts for such a long time, and now I wish I had joined the theater community earlier. Don’t be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone and try something you are interested in!

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Lettuce Give Thanks!

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