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Join German Club!

Join German Club!

Cover submitted by Hamilton German Club

Angelika Bourke

Are you looking to join another club or just want to get more involved at Hamilton? 

Join German Club!

What is German Club?

Open to all students (No prior German knowledge is required!), German Club incorporates learning about Germany and their culture through fun events, fundraisers, and games! Not only does this club look great on college applications, but it is also a great way to get involved and hang out with friends! By becoming a member, not only are you able to come to any and all of the events, but you also receive snacks at every meeting as well as a German Club shirt! Throughout the year, monthly meetings will take place during advisement where the exec. board will introduce and explain the upcoming events as well as update everyone on what is going on with the club.

How do I join the club?

You can join the club by signing up using our Remind code (24hg82) and scanning our QR code! This will let us know that you want to join and come to our first meeting, which is coming up on November 7th! During this meeting, we will hand out forms that each person who wants to be part of the club must fill out as well as pay the club fee, and then you will be a part of the club!

When and where is the first meeting?

The first meeting will take place on Thursday, November 7th in the Little Theater during advisement where we will have a presentation meeting with the advisors and exec. board, handing out forms so club members can officially be part of the club, and talk about some of our upcoming events! We hope to see many of you there and are excited to start up another fun year of German Club! In the meantime, you may be asking yourself what some of the events we do even are. To answer this, here are a couple of our highlight events that we do throughout the year as part of our club:

Chicago Trip

Photo submitted by Bourke

The main trip that the club does yearly is the trip to Chicago! This trip takes a coach bus down to Chicago on a Saturday morning sometime at the beginning of December where small groups are able to walk around and go Christmas shopping for a full day! A main part of this is also visiting the Christkindlmarkt, which is a German Christmas Market where you can purchase many different gifts as well as try German foods! In addition to this, you are able to walk around Chicago and shop at the many different stores around the city! This is an overall very fun event and is an amazing opportunity to spend time with friends while also getting your Christmas shopping done!

*Note: this event does have limited spots, so sign up quickly!

Schokoladen Fest (Chocolate Tasting Event)

Despite being recently re-added as an event this past year, Schokoladen Fest is a very fun and unique event where German Club members are able to taste test and rate different chocolates from around the world (examples include Swiss, German, and Austrian chocolates!) While this event didn’t have the biggest turn out last year, we are hoping to better advocate this event and get more people involved in trying the many different flavors that come from these different countries!

Film Abend (German Movie Night)

Another big tradition German Club has is doing a Film Abend, which is where members will meet at a designated location later after school to watch a movie in German (with English subtitles)! Pizzas, snacks, and drinks are also included! This is another great way to get involved in the club while also hanging out with your friends, so come out and enjoy!


Bring your friends and support German Club by coming to our fundraisers! We are planning on doing several fundraisers throughout the year, some ideas including a Culver’s fundraiser, a bake sale with German bakery items, and a chocolate sale during February! 

For more information:

If you have any questions about the club, our advisors and/or exec. board members would be happy to answer them!


Frau Karrels: Room 26  ->

Herr Schultz: Room 31  ->

Exec. Board Members:

Angelika Bourke, Seth Hahn, Amelia Luebke, Dylan Elberson, Layne White, Nick Crnkovich, and Luka Tusic

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