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Join Ski and Board Club!

Join Ski and Board Club!

Photos provided by Angelika Bourke.

Angelika Bourke

Are you a skier or snowboarder looking for a fun way to hangout with your friends during the winter season? 

Join Hamilton’s Ski and Board Club!

What is Ski and Board Club?

Ski and Board Club is another great way to not only get involved at Hamilton but to also check out some of the cool ski hills Wisconsin has to offer! As a club, we take 3 trips (2 to Devils Head, 1 to Granite Peak) taking place on Friday and Saturday nights throughout the winter (usually between the beginning of January and the beginning of March). In your costs, your ticket as well as your transportation is included, which is a coach bus taking you from Hamilton to the ski hill and back. Additionally, signing up for 3 of the trips will get you a free club t-shirt (if less than 3, a shirt can also be purchased!) The trip prices will typically range depending on which trips you choose, so the best way to learn more about the club is by attending the first meeting!

*NOTE: Prior experience IS required; the trips typically have more experienced terrain that is not beginner friendly

When is the first meeting?

The first meeting is on Thursday, November 21st during advisement in the Little Theater, which you can sign up for via FLEX (click “Join Activity”, type in “Ski and Board Club Meeting”, and then join!) Thursday is when the details about the trips (such as required waivers) as well as price breakdowns for rentals and lift tickets will be explained. Additionally, each person will receive a registration flier with all of the information so you can register for the trips you would like to attend! 

*There is also a Remind that needs to be joined, which is @769kd9 or texting that number to 81010.

When are the trips?

The following are the dates for our trips this year:

Friday 1/10 - Devils Head 

Friday 1/17 - Devils Head 

Saturday 2/1 - Granite Peak 

Contact Information:

If you have any questions regarding the meeting or the trips, you can contact either of the advisors or ask anyone listed below:


Ms. Ullmann -> 

Brian Bazile ->

Exec. Board: Ari Brunelli, Emersen Cwiklinski, Avery Gilmartin, and Angelika Bourke

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