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Hamilton High School Clubs

Hamilton High School Clubs

Kennedy Ellis

Hamilton High School has many different activities and clubs to cater to what interests you. There are clubs A-Z so there will definitely be one that you will feel like you can fit in with and feel passionate about. Below there are many different clubs to make you feel like you belong at Hamilton and to find people with the same interests as you. 

A Novel Idea

Advisor- Mrs. Gorski 

A Novel Idea is open to all students who love to read and would like to discuss books that they have read with other students. A Novel Idea has been at Hamilton for 16 years! Students choose the books that they would like to read and meet once a month to discuss them during advisement. We read all genres but mainly realistic fiction, mysteries, historical fiction, science fiction, and fantasy. Last year one of our favorite titles was The Light in Hidden Places: a Novel Based on the True Story of Stefania Podgorska by Sharon Cameron. It is an incredible historical fiction title about WWII. Past favorite books are on the shelves along the far wall of the library so students can browse and check out these popular fiction titles. 

Alpine Ski Team

Advisor- Mrs. Hasbrook

When in the Alpine Ski Team it's a race between you, the mountain, and the clock. You will get the opportunity to practice your time and skills with you and other teammates. While in the club you will be able to compete against other schools and teams multiple times a year. This is a co-op team with Menomonee Falls, Sussex, and Germantown. We practice all winter long both boys and girls qualified for State last year. 


Advisors- Mr. Holloway, Mrs. Ullmann, Mrs. Schneider 

Amplify Hamilton is a club for female athletes designed to support the growth of female sports and to aid in the development of female athletes through advocacy and action. More can be learned about the history, goals, and mission of this club by clicking here.

Art Club

Advisor- Mr. Malcore 

The Art Club is aimed to be a place for students who are interested in the arts but weren't able to fit an art class into their schedule or anyone who just enjoys being creative and wants to experiment with some fun new artmaking methods. The club is very student-driven and Mr. Malcore aims to produce opportunities for students to try things they want to do. They've done painting, ink washes, double perspective drawings, glass work, and watched plenty of good old Bob Ross.  It's a fun club to hang out and create with other students who enjoy the same!  

They will have their first meeting on Tuesday, October 11 at 2:30 pm in Room 20.  Come check it out!

Remind: @dmalcor 

Best Buddies

Advisors- Mrs. Rauter, Mrs. Winters, Mrs. Neuharth, and Mrs. Foy

Best Buddies is a program that pairs students without disabilities with students who have disabilities in one-on-one friendships. Students in Best Buddies participate in activities structured through the school to create friendships that extend beyond the walls of the school. Our hope is to help students with intellectual disabilities or life-skills delays develop a greater connection to the Hamilton learning community.

Bowling Club

Advisor- Mr. Figarnio

The Sussex Hamilton Bowling Club has a JV, Boys Varsity, and Girls Varsity bowling team. They practice twice a week and work on the fundamentals of bowling to better their skill and understanding of the sport. From December through February they put our hard work to the test competing against other schools in the district in match play to determine who will be going to state in March. Don't be afraid to try out and be part of this club. They all work together as coaches and players to enhance their skills and understanding of bowling. They have great coaching to help you get better at bowling.

Charger Press

Advisor: Mrs. Kowalske

Charger Press is Hamilton High School's online newspaper. Our articles vary from sports and politics to local news within the high school. We hold optional Tuesday advisement meetings where writers can get help from the rest of the staff or the editor-in-chief. Charger Press not only looks impressive on college applications, but it also allows the student body to express their views and spread awareness on topics they are interested in. All articles are posted on our website: The club also has a need for photographers, editors, and creative writers.  Stop into room E174, or email Mrs. Kowalske if you are interested!

Remind: @chargerpre 


Instagram: charger_press

Charger Television/Video

Advisor: Mr. Washbush

This club meets every Thursday after school.  The purpose of the club is to film events at Hamilton, notably athletic events, concerts, and graduation.  Sometimes CTV helps out with drama performances as well. One of the perks is getting into athletic events for free!  

Chess Club

Advisor- Mr. Fagan

Chess Club is a great way to compete, meet new friends, and learn the game of chess. Not only just learning how to play and how the pieces move, but also learning some strategies that can make you a better player. We play in person and we play online.

Club Action

Advisor- Mrs. Wainio and Ms. Maxwell 

The motto is “be aware, take action, create change.” Club Action explores issues of interest within the broader themes of human rights, animal rights, and environmental concerns. Once issues are thoroughly discussed, the club attempts to create positive change both locally and globally through respectful and considerate methods of activism. Examples of activities last year were the SOS food collection at school and football games (and this year already too), a 50-50 raffle at a home boys basketball game for Ronald McDonald House, and locker decs for Valentine's Day supporting WWF. They meet once per month during advisement on the 2nd Tuesday. There are no specific requirements other than to come with an open mind and be prepared to follow through with Club initiatives.  

Cultural Exchange Club

Advisor- Mrs. Swanson

CEC promotes awareness and understanding of other people and cultures in our global society by providing support to our exchange students and opportunities for Hamilton students to get to know one another, cooperate on projects and have fun. Members enjoy field trips and activities such as working at our annual Dodgeball Tournament, and other joint ventures with Spanish, German, and French Clubs, such as trips to Chicago, a haunted house, and more.


Advisor- Mr. LeRoy

Hamilton’s debate team works to provide its members with skills not only beneficial to competitions but also for future careers. This club improves public speaking skills, thinking on one’s feet, and builds confidence! There’s a series of fun activities associated with debate, from mock debates to case writing. As a team that only competes in LD (Lincoln-Douglas) debate, competitions are completely individual, but all ideas get bounced off of each other for the best possible results. Debate is also a great way to meet new people and looks awesome on college applications. Meetings are held in room 19A after school on Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Remind: @debate2223


Advisor- Mrs. Fields 

DECA is an organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for jobs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. Even if you aren't planning on a job in business, DECA helps build skills you'll need for any job. Within DECA you learn how to communicate effectively (great for preparing for job interviews!), develop project management skills, and build professionalism. With a global network of over 200,000 members, there are so many opportunities! Throughout the school year, DECA participates in multiple community service projects, attends a variety of leadership conferences all across the midwest, and competes at the local, state, and international levels. You can join DECA by stopping by room 53 - the deadline to sign up is December 15th! 

Remind: @23decahhs


Drama Club

Advisor- Mrs. Plamann 

Drama Club is open to anyone interested in any part of theater (acting, tech, makeup, etc). We meet every 4 - 6 weeks during Advisement and plan activities and workshops that are always fun and optional, including a trip to Milwaukee to see a Broadway Show ("Six" this year!).

Remind: @dramahds

Classroom:  gkuxc7r

Instagram: hamiltonhsdrama

Drama Production

Advisor- Mrs. Plamann

Drama Productions are an extension of the club. If you are in a production, you are in the club (but you can be in the club without doing a production). We do four productions a year: a fall play (usually a Children's Theater type show), a winter play, a spring musical, and a competitive One Act. You can be involved by being an actor on stage, doing run crew, helping build/paint the set, lights or sound, costume/hair/makeup, or helping run and manage the house and lobby.

This year our shows are:

Fall-Nov 11-13: Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, set in a turn-of-the-century insane asylum

Winter - Feb 10-12: Charlotte's Web

Spring - May 5-7: Pippin'

One Act: Mirrors

Our One Act goes through three rounds of competition to advance (hopefully) to state. It is always a smaller cast and crew and focuses on more serious play topics. Last year we swept every award at State and were 1 point shy of a perfect score!! This year we hosted the first round of competition on Saturday, Oct 22 in the HFAC.


Advisor- Mr. Larson

Hamilton E-Sports allows high school gamers to play their favorite video games in a competitive varsity environment. We have teams for a majority of games that compete in top-tier national leagues for a chance at a college scholarship for the best players and teams.

Executive Club

Advisor- Mrs. Draeger 

These are the student council officers and class officers. This group brings ideas to the table from members of the student body to discuss and determine the potential of the idea and then takes it to the general council for a vote if necessary. This group can also serve as a liaison between the student body and the administration. As an advisor, I oversee all the meetings and assist with planning and logistics. 

FIRST (Robotics)

Advisor- Mr. Woods

FIRST® Tech Challenge (FTC®) teams, and has impacted over 450 students and 80 mentors who have been involved in the program. These teams participate in educational and exciting robotics programs and design challenges provided by FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology). Charger Robotics is the premier organization for those seeking a fun, inclusive community of experiential learners who are driven to solve complex challenges in a competitive environment while practicing skills valuable for careers of the future. There are over 60 members and there are also many middle school members for more information check out this link: 


Advisor- Mrs. Marklund

Forensics (or 4N6) is competitive public speaking. There are many different categories that students can compete in, but they all fall into different types of public speaking. Some categories require memorization, some are theatrical/performance-based, some are persuasive or informative, and some require competitors to speak on the fly with minimal preparation. On the 4N6 team, we value collaboration and practicing together to sharpen our skills and grow our abilities. We also have lots of fun along the way!

Remind: @4n6-23

Instagram: @hhs4n6

French Club

Advisor- Mr. Tennessen 

French Club is a chance for students to come together and learn about French culture while getting the chance to play cultural-related games and eat delicious yum-yums. In a nutshell, the goal of the French Club is fun and to be inclusive. 

Future Educators Club

Advisors- PK, Mrs. Dederich 

Future Educators Club is dedicated to students here at Hamilton who are strongly or slightly considering becoming a teacher. To support students in making this decision and preparing for the next steps, we have monthly meetings where panelists come in and answer questions about their experiences going through college and becoming a teacher. We also coordinate events that show students' appreciation of HHS staff members. Lastly, we raise funds for a scholarship given to a Hamilton graduate about to earn their teaching certification.

Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)

Advisor- Ms. Condon

GSA is a student-led and student-organized school clubs that aim to create a safe, welcoming, and accepting school environment for all youth, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

German Club

Advisor- Mr. Schultz 

German Club is about creating excitement to learn German and be a part of German culture. Our focus is to find fun, new ways for students to experience the culture firsthand. We host many activities, such as visiting a German Christmas market, watching a movie in German, and Bonbon Freitags (candy Fridays).

Remind: @k74ff8t

Instagram: hhs_german_club

Graphic Arts Club

Advisor- Mr. Schlueter

The Hamilton Graphic Arts Club exists to provide fun opportunities for students to develop and improve skills related to desktop publishing, multi-color screen printing, and advertising work which cannot reasonably be accomplished during the school day. Graphic Arts Club also promotes workplace skills – meeting deadlines, quality control, and teamwork. Production meetings typically occur after school to print shirts. Members of the club will soon realize that it doesn’t take much to start their own garment decorating business.


Advisor- Mrs. LaBlanc 

Future Health Professionals is an organization that empowers high school students to become leaders in a global health community.  Our goal is to promote health and wellness programs to the Sussex community as well as within the state of Wisconsin. HOSA is also very health/science career-oriented and works to promote the healthcare profession to those interested in healthcare.  Hamilton HOSA has had an active chapter since the fall of 2017 and has grown to over 100 members and we have three states of Wisconsin HOSA Officers from our chapter.  Manya Mehra is our Wisconsin State Vice President, Sriya Gannapureddy is the State Secretary, and Audrey McCrimmon is the State Vice President of Service Projects.

Junior Optimist International 

Advisor- Mrs. O’Neil

Hamilton High School JOI club is the Junior Chapter of the community adult-based service organization called SLLB (Sussex Lisbon Lannon Butler). It is a service club that is open to all Hamilton students in grades 9-12. We welcome everyone to join us to share in the joy of  providing service and support to our community at large. Our main focus as an organization is to develop, create and implement service opportunities to promote caring, compassion, and optimism for others in our community who may be in need or facing personal challenges. Club members are able to design a service project of their choosing that can offer hope and positivity. JOI club does many different service events, one of these including Operation Christmas. Our JOI club meets monthly and we strive to offer all of our JOI club members a positive opportunity to share "optimism" within our community. If you have more questions visit room 10. 

Lacrosse- Boys

Advisor- Mr. Kiefer

Hamilton Chargers Boys’ Lacrosse competes in the Classic 8 Conference and won Conference last season. The team begins indoor practices in February and begins scheduled games in March.  There are about 20 returning players this year and new members can join with any level of experience or skill, including those brand new to the sport. There is a lot of talent to build from including multiple current players who earned the highest rank in the division.

Lacrosse- Girls

Advisor- Mr. Hersback 

Hamilton Chargers Women's Lacrosse plays and competes in the Classic 8 Conference.  The team was started back in 2018 at Hamilton and this will be our 6th season upcoming this spring.  Sport is new to this area; however, it is growing at a rapid rate in the community.  Most of the southeastern schools in the Milwaukee area now have a team. 

Leo Club

Advisor- Mr. Gonzalez

“Leadership, Experience, Opportunity.” That's what makes a Leo. Members of Leo clubs embody the best qualities of our incredible organization. Leos volunteer in many different events around the community, including Sussex Lions days. This is a great opportunity to get out and help the community. This club will help you gain leadership skills throughout the community. 

Math Team

Advisor- Mr. DeJarlais  

Math Team is a group for people who enjoy thinking "outside the box" and enjoy seeing how their problem-solving abilities stack up against other students in the school, in the local area, and in the state. We meet once a month to complete an assessment that is compared against students worldwide. Last year we won a plaque for having the highest score in our region. We also travel to MSOE in November to compete in person against other local schools. We often have students win prizes at this competition, as well. Overall, Math Team is a pretty low-key club to belong to. We eat snacks and solve problems.  :)

National Honor Society 

Advisor- Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Gorski

The HHS Chapter of the National Honor Society is composed of junior and senior-level students who have achieved a minimum of a 3.5 GPA and have extended their service and leadership here at Hamilton as well as in the community. Candidates are sent invitations to apply, and if accepted, they attend monthly meetings and commit to 20 hours of volunteer service during the course of the school year. The National Honor Society sponsors blood drives, food drives, cancer care package drives, holiday gift drives, and social activities for seniors living in assisted living facilities.  Members also create and deliver personalized birthday cards to students and staff on their special day and volunteer at various community events.  Our chapter abides by the four pillars of the National Honor Society.  In doing so, members demonstrate and promote character, leadership, service, and academic excellence.  For more information, contact advisors Jacque Gorski or Misti Swanson.


Advisor- Mr. Nysse 

O.R.E.O. strives to create an environment where students are able to discuss their views without judgment and argument. We come together once a month after school to discuss topics with our peers and express our opinions. The goal of this club is to create open discussion with others surrounding topics of interest and necessity in order to create a safe space at Hamilton High School.

Remind: @hhsoreo

Classroom: qbnxj3a

Ping Pong Club

Advisor- Mr. Fagan

Ping Pong Club is a fun and informal environment where students can learn the game of ping-pong, make some new friends, and relax after a school day. We don't take attendance at this club, anyone can join at any time of the school year!

Photo Club

Advisor- Ms. Turnacliff 

If you enjoy attending school activities and want to learn how to take photos, then Photo Club is for you. It is tied in conjunction with the yearbook, but it specifically focuses on taking school-related photos and learning how to edit them in photoshop.

Rock Climbing 

Advisor- Mrs. Dederich

Rock Climbing Club lets Hamilton students experience the sport of rock climbing recreationally and competitively. Members practice at Adventure Rock in Brookfield once a week and are provided with classes about movement, belay, and knot tying. Students also have the opportunity to compete in six competitions against other Wisconsin high school students throughout the school year. This is a great club for students to join if they are looking to challenge themselves physically and mentally. Our hope is that students might find a new hobby or a passion for adventure!


Advisor- Mr. Holloway

Hamilton RFC is a girls' rugby team that plays their school-sanctioned season (15s rugby) in the fall. The team has a club season (7s rugby) in the spring that is not officially affiliated with the school. 


Strength, Agility, Speed (SAS)

Advisor- Mr. Seely 

SAS is your pathway to a more confident, stronger, faster you!  Our goal is to provide our students (yes, everyone is invited. Not just athletes) with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to live a healthy life now and in the future. Our daily routine goes as follows: warmup (starting at 2:35 in the athletic center, lift weights (getting jacked), and then sprint to develop speed and agility. Come join! Bring a friend!

Science Club

Advisor- Mrs. Wainio 

Science Club gets students involved in conducting experiments, participating in community activities, meeting guest speakers, viewing demonstrations, and engaging with peers in dialogue. Students, officers, and advisers help to set the scope and sequence, but topics vary from medicine to chemistry to physics to the environment, with everything in between and beyond. The focus is on taking lessons from the classroom and delving deeper into them or discovering new topics together, but overall to encourage lifelong learning in science. A few activities last year consisted of: science photo contest, a nurses presentation, animal day, forensics murder mystery, fossils investigation, and NASA scientist presentation. They meet once per month during advisement on the 1st Thursday. 

Ski and Snowboard Club

Advisor- Mrs. Ullmann

Ski and Snowboard Club provides students with the opportunity to ski and board Wisconsin's finest ski hills! There are 4 ski and board outings a season featuring 2 Saturday trips to Granite Peak in Wausau, WI and 2 Friday evening trips. It is a great way to spend time outside while hanging out with friends! 


Advisor- Mr. Mamerow, Mr. Premo, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Schlueter

This organization brings all of the Applied Engineering Department together to allow students the opportunity to interact, learn leadership skills, and compete in various contests. This organization is very similar to FFA, FBLA, DECA, and FCCLA, in which students compete in contests related to their departments. SkillsUSA has over 80 different contests available to students. To name a few; Welding, Construction, Drafting, Architectural Drafting, Photography, Screen Printing, Advertising Design, Small Engines, Precision Machining, Team Engineering, Job Interview and so on… This organization will meet monthly for meetings, but individuals may meet more often with advisors to prepare for competitions or learn more about specific skills. Students may participate in a district, regional, and state competition. If students place 1st at state, they may go to nationals.

Spanish Club

Advisor- Mrs. Feudner

The purpose of the club is the enjoyment of the Spanish language and the cultures related to the Spanish-speaking countries of the world.  The students are encouraged to come up with ideas for activities. However, every year we sponsor a needy Hispanic family for Christmas, go to Mexican restaurants, and look for events that pertain to the Hispanic culture.  We also go to Chicago in the spring for shopping and lunch. Spanish Club is open to all students, whether or not they are taking Spanish.

Spanish NHS

Advisor- Mrs. Feudner

Spanish NHS is a club to honor those who have at least a 3.5 in Spanish and a 3.2 overall.  A student must have completed Spanish 4 to be in the club and have no serious discipline issues.  They are inducted into La Sociedad Honoraria de Español which is a national honor society for Spanish students.  The club itself does not do anything, it is about honoring those students who have persevered in the language and achieved success.

Student Council

Advisor- Mrs. Draeger

Student Council is a student leadership organization within Hamilton High School. The officers plan and organize many events that may include: Homecoming week, food drives, and other service activities. Involvement in this organization benefits the school as a whole in addition to the students who are actively involved. Student Council membership is open to all students. Council and class officers are elected by peers to serve as representatives for the student body, as a whole, on an annual basis. Student Council meets during advisement periods as well as at other scheduled times. The obligations of this organization require students to give time both inside and outside of the school day. It is essential that members show responsibility in following through on academics as well as working to represent the student body and make Hamilton High School great.  

Student Ambassadors 

The goal of the Student Ambassador program is to create a smooth transition for incoming transfer students at Hamilton along with building a positive school culture.  In order to be part of the club, students need to apply and be selected.  The SA Club is a group of diverse, responsible, and friendly students who are paired with new incoming students who will introduce them to other students, answer questions and generally be a friend. In addition, the SA provides school-wide activities to promote a positive school culture.

Remind: @2288e7

Classroom: dwgz4i6 

Supermileage Club

Advisor- Mr. Mamerow, Mr. Premo, Mr. McLaughlin

This organization gives students the opportunity to apply a real-world engineering problem. Students design, build, and test a real vehicle that is run on closed-road courses such as Road America! The goal of this challenge is to design and build a vehicle that will travel the farthest in one hour under 67 pounds of batteries, or run on fuel for hundreds of miles per gallon. Every aspect of this vehicle is designed, built, and tested by the team from scratch! Students will meet weekly for worknights to work on their vehicles and prepare for challenge days in the spring. Worknights are long to allow students flexibility in their personal schedules to make time for this organization. Students in sports can still come in the evening to work after practice, and those students that study a lot can stay in for a couple of hours after school before going home to study or work.

Synergy Show Choir

Advisor- Ms. Condon

Synergy is an auditioned, competitive show choir that combines choral singing with dance movements, sometimes within the context of a specific idea or story. Students gain a unique understanding of a diverse performance genre through rehearsal, performance, and competitive experiences. Students will learn to sing music in diverse styles, performing music from genres like jazz, rock, Broadway, and more! Show Choir also provides students an opportunity to develop leadership skills as section leaders and dance captains.

Trapshooting Club

Advisor- Mr. White 

The co-ed Hamilton Charger Trap club is part of the Amateur Trapshooting Association / AIM organization and is open to aspiring shooters from grades 5 through 12. Trap is a shotgun shooting activity in which the trap shooter stands 16 yards behind a “trap house”. Clay targets fly-out in front of the trap house, at various angles, which the shooter attempts to break with his/her shotgun. The Hamilton Trap Club combines together with shooters from several other area schools to form the Daniel Boone Conservation League (DBCL) Trap Team. We compete in the Southern Flyway Conference against Ozaukee, Beaver Dam, West Bend, Kewaskum, Mayville, Fond du Lac, Hartford, and Campbellsport.

Varsity Club

Advisor- Mr. Cibulka 

Varsity Club provides other student groups an opportunity to work the concession stand at basketball games while earning money for their club. At the end of each year, we provide scholarships for students who have earned a varsity letter while participating in activities here at HHS. 

Woodworking Club

Advisor- Mr. Premo

Woods club is about learning and developing your wood manufacturing skills and making friends.  We meet once every Thursday during advisement and have optional work time pretty much every day after school.  We participate in a skilled trades competition once a year called SkillsUSA and build projects to enter into it.  These projects can be pretty much anything you want to build!  There may be projects we work on together, but we encourage each other to also do their own projects that they want to do on the side.  Woods club is extremely flexible and you get to skip a couple of days of school for the really cool SkillsUSA competition!

World Culture Club/Club Unique

Advisor- Mrs. Kapetanovic

Club Unique works to promote diversity and uniqueness amongst everyone, we celebrate each other's differences and work together to educate one another about them. We participate in events such as Culture Fair and make slideshow presentations about different heritage months. Members of Club Unique can help create these presentations, make a board of their own/other cultures to promote a Culture Fair, share their own heritage and learn about others.


Advisor- Ms. Turnacliff

Yearbook is a club that is responsible for creating the yearbook each year.  Photographers, graphic designers, and individuals who want to learn about these things are invited to our weekly meeting on Tuesdays.  Learning how to work within deadlines and getting a keen eye for layout and design are encouraged to attend.  All students are able to upload images for the yearbook on the website and use the word Lance to access the upload drives.  See Ms. Turnacliff in room 54 if you are interested.

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