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October Athlete of the Month: Dylan Carter

October Athlete of the Month: Dylan Carter

Cover photo by Nick Lykins, Lykins_Photography on Instagram.

Riley Veenendaal 

Congratulations to October’s male athlete of the month, Dylan Carter! Dylan is a current senior at Hamilton. He plays on the boy’s varsity football team. Dylan has been a huge part of the Charger’s defense this year, playing in the Defensive Line as well as playing as a linebacker. He has helped the Chargers to earn a second place finish in the Greater Metro Conference. 

Coach Gumm speaks highly of him stating, “Dylan has had a huge impact on our defense and special teams. He is one of the hardest working and toughest individuals in our program. He excels in the classroom and is a high character young man that always goes above and beyond what is asked on and off the field. We are blessed to have Dylan in our program!”

Keep reading to learn more about Dylan as a person and a player!

How long have you played football, and why do you play?

I have played football for a total of 2 years. I started playing my junior year and this is now my second year playing. I started playing because of my brother; he had a serious injury that took him out of his high school football career early, so I decided to start playing to carry on where he left off and to make him and my family proud.

Who is your athlete role model, and why?

My athlete role model is Muhammad Ali. His story of coming from a poor family during a very segregated time period and still overcoming the odds and becoming the greatest of all time in boxing is very inspiring to me. It just goes to show, no matter the circumstances, hard work, patience, and determination can bring you a long way.

What has your main goal this season been?

My main goal this season is to go to make it to Camp Randall; the last few years we have gotten so close but came up short. 

What are your future plans involving football?

I plan on going to college and continuing to play football, but I have not decided on a school yet.

Do you play any other sports and if so what?

I do Track & Field; my main events are high jump and shot put, but I also do some 4x1 relays.

Do you have any teammates, coaches, parents, or other people in your life that have helped as an athlete?

Yes, my parents have always been there for me and had my best interest, but between my teammates and my coaches, joining this program has helped me create a support system that I didn’t even know I needed. No matter the issue, someone is always willing to help and it makes dealing with problems a lot easier.

Besides football, what are some of your other hobbies?

Besides football I love bowling and snowboarding in my free time.

What are your pre game rituals?

Every game before we are about to leave the locker room and go out to the field, a group of my friends form a circle and do a prayer.

Do you have any advice to share?

One piece of advice I have is, whether it's picking up a new hobby or working towards your dream goals, it's never too late to start and now is the best time to do it.

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