May Students of the Month

May Students of the Month

Photo from Hamilton School District.

Hamilton High School students representing 12 curriculum areas were selected as students of the month for May. Students received a certificate for their accomplishment and hard work. Great work to these students!

Pictured from left, front: Audrey Balsbaugh, family and consumer sciences; Allison Maurer, art; Bailey Huebner, social studies and Alana Roskopf, world languages.
Back: Jasiah Hawkins, communication arts; Aydin Eklund, fitness education; Suhruth Sribhasyam, student resources; Bryce Pichler, student resources; Noah Lund, applied engineering and technology and Matthew VanHoof, business education.
Not pictured: Lexi Rugg, science; Jake Aidich, mathematics and Joshua Spoerl, music.

College Commits: Eva Finnessy

College Commits: Eva Finnessy

May Teacher Feature: Ms. LaBlanc

May Teacher Feature: Ms. LaBlanc