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February Students of the Month

February Students of the Month

Hamilton High School students representing 12 curriculum areas were selected as students of the month for February. Students received a certificate, a letter from the Principal and a pin for their accomplishment.

Photo attached:

Pictured from left, front: Scotland Nicholson - music, Jackson Poelzer - social studies, Aiden Rosenthal - student resources, Henry Mrotek - business education; middle: Peyton Impola - communication arts, Nathan Zembles - fitness education, Austin Eklund - science, Eric Schleicher - mathematics; back: Cheyenne Gaudynski - art, Brooke Tlachac - world languages, Maxwell McLaughlin - student resources, John DeByl - applied engineering and technology, Isabelle Prochazka - family and consumer sciences.

DeSantis vs The College Board

DeSantis vs The College Board

NFL Draft Prospect Spotlight:  QB CJ Stroud  - Ohio State

NFL Draft Prospect Spotlight: QB CJ Stroud - Ohio State