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May Teacher Feature: Ms. LaBlanc

May Teacher Feature: Ms. LaBlanc

Photo submitted by Ms. Lablanc.

Evan Rosenau

The last teacher feature of this year is another Hamilton legend whose kindness reaches students she may not even have in class. Having graduated from UW-Stout with a bachelor degree and teaching certification, and then continuing to get a Masters from UW-LaCrosse, Ms. LaBlanc has been teaching for 26 years: 15 at Marshfield Middle and High School, three at Beloit Memorial, and the rest here at Hamilton. Although not married, she tends to, in her words, “collect ‘children’ here at Hamilton as a school mom.” When she isn’t making an incredible impact in students' lives, she's spending time with her sister, reading fiction, cooking, or baking. Read on to learn more about this proud cat mom of four!

What superpower would you like to have?

I think I’d like the power of telekinesis or moving things with my mind.  

If you won 100 million dollars, what would you buy first?

Well, I’d probably pay off my mortgage first, but then look for a second vacation home somewhere warm.

What would your perfect room/classroom look like?

Nice roomy classroom with plenty of storage space, but WITHOUT the kitchen counters.  I’d also like to have windows.  I always like having them in my other schools.  I’d also like the temperature of my classroom to always accurately be at 72 degrees.

What would you change about Hamilton and why?

The heating and cooling systems.  My classroom is freezing most days so having my room be at a pleasant temperature all day long.

Are there more wheels or doors in the world? Why?

Doors because most buildings have multiple doors, but cars only have 4 each.

What Crayola Crayon color are you? (The more specific the better!)

Razzimic Berry. The name is really cool and also not the typical colors I had available as a kid.

If you could trade classrooms with any teacher at Hamilton, who would it be and why?

Anyone who has nice windows but has a good sized room.  Maybe someone in the NA wing?

If you weren't teaching, what would you do?

If you would have asked me when I started teaching, I would say working for a corporate food company developing recipes, but today I’d choose to work in a public health career.

Describe yourself in one sentence.

A teacher who is extremely fair, nice, and generous to her students and who always seems to have what is asked for, no matter how strange the request is.

What unsolved mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?

The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370.

What’s your favorite college memory?

Summer between junior and senior years when I was living off campus for summer school and hanging out with my friends/roommates.

What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you as a teacher?

I had a student about a decade ago when I taught summer school Sports Medicine with Marshfield’s Athletic Trainer say in regards to tearing tape for ankle taping, “You need to be 10% smarter than the tape.”  That quote still amuses me.

What skill would you like to master?

I’d really like to learn how to play piano, but I lack solid eye/hand coordination and determination to learn and practice.

What’s your favorite place on earth?

The UK. It’s been 20 years since I went to England and Scotland but I’d love to return again.

Who are your teacher besties?

Mrs. Farrell.

What would students be surprised to know about you?

I graduated from a VERY small high school in northern Wisconsin.  I graduated from a class of 21 students.  We have a senior class picture with cows in the background.

What got you interested in teaching?

A college roommate.  I decided to switch majors and she was F/CS major for teaching.  I also had a great F/CS teacher in high school and was heavily involved in FCCLA in High School.

If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would it be?

Mistakes happen.  Acknowledge them and move on.  Don’t dwell on things you can no longer change.

What do you wish you’d invented? 

Anything technology related.  I’d be rich now.

What’s your claim to fame?

I’m hoping that I’ll someday have a famous medical professional as a former student in the future.  But right now I can’t think of anything specific.

If you could meet anyone in history who would it be and why?

Betty White, mostly because she’d be hilarious to talk to.

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