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March Teacher Feature: Ms. Dederich

March Teacher Feature: Ms. Dederich

Photo submitted by Ms. Dederich.

Evan Rosenau

Ms. Dederich, a graduate of UW-Green Bay, in her seventh year teaching at Hamilton, is a wonder to behold. Having spent her entire career teaching Chargers, she loves to spend her free time with her immediate family and their families! Not to mention, she has a number of hobbies to keep her busy when she isn’t being an incredible teacher. She loves to play tennis, golf, rock climb, read, listen to live music, and go to Brewers/Bucks games. 

Read on to get to know more about this resident of Room 12!

What song do you know all the lyrics to? 

Oh gosh, actually probably more than I think, let’s go with “Life Changes” by Thomas Rhett.

What superpower would you like to have?

Teleportation. I love to travel but would much rather spend time at the destination than getting there.

What would your perfect room/classroom look like?

Honestly, I love my classroom now because I have cabinets and windows…but I do wish I’d have a more nature-esque view, that the ceilings and whiteboards were a little higher, and that the desks would rearrange themselves :)

Are there more wheels or doors in the world? Why?

Ummm….doors? Idk I’m open to persuading haha.

What Crayola Crayon color are you? (The more specific the better!)

Mountain Meadow…because I love green, and I think I’m pretty calm until a big gust of wind (stressors) wears out my patience.

What unsolved mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?

Are there more wheels of doors in the world?...just kidding!  I’m interested in true crime so I’d like to be able to know the resolution to some cold case files. OR if Bigfoot exists…or aliens…I’m getting off track!

What’s your favorite college memory?

I was a member of the UWGB pep band.  We played at all home basketball games (men and women).  Many of my favorite memories are from these games or with the friends I made in this group…but to be more specific:  At least one of the teams made it to the NCAA tournament every year (except sophomore year), and the band got to travel—free vacation!  During my junior year, our women’s team went to Maryland and played Princeton.  At the time, President Obama was in office, and his niece played for Princeton…since it was close to home he came to the game!  I remember Secret Service having to check our instruments and cases before we entered the arena (my friend saying “don’t let that dog lick my reed!”) and getting so excited that he clapped after we played some classic pep band tunes.  Anyways, we lost, but it was a pretty cool experience being able to say we played music for the president lol.

What would you rather do: Meet your future self or go back in time and talk with your past self? Why?

I would rather go back in time because I think if I met my future self, I’d go back to normal life constantly thinking about if the choices I make would get me to the future self I’d met.  Long story short…I already overthink important decisions enough. I don’t need to add to it!

What’s your favorite place on earth?

So far, Yosemite National Park.  There’s so much to do, see and explore…it’s like camping in a different world.  Though Grand Tetons National Park is my favorite based on initial beauty.

Who are your teacher besties?

I’m so lucky to work with so many AMAZING humans and teachers. I probably know, relate to, and talk with Ms. Winters the most.

Is there anything you wish you would’ve known as a first year teacher?

To be consistent and confident in doing what’s best for students (whether they like it or not).  Also, it’s okay to leave work for the next day and leave the building before 5 p.m.

What would students be surprised to know about you?

That I don’t only think about math in my free time haha. But maybe that I was on the dance team in high school.  I was in dance from about 3rd grade but stopped when I went to college.

What song should students listen to when doing work in your class?

Anything that makes them happy!

Who has most influenced you to become an educator, and how did they influence you?

I’ve wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember, probably because I had some really really fantastic teachers when I was young.  I still think about some things my teachers did for me or in their classrooms (whether good or bad) and let that help me make some choices about my own classroom.

How have your previous teachers shaped your teaching style?

My favorite classes in school were the ones that felt structured and purposeful, but I also appreciated the teachers that were honest and human.  I try to be that.. I think I do…who knows?!

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be and why?

Probably someone who was alive during the new frontier days…I think it would be interesting to hear first hand about what life was like, how they felt, what made it worth it?

What is your second favorite subject? (besides the one you are teaching now)

Science or Music (Band).

What is your favorite TV show? Movie?

My favorite TV Show…ever?! That’s so hard, I feel like it changes depending on my mood. Some top contenders: One Tree Hill, Ted Lasso, Parks and Rec, Friends, The Office…

Movie: Footloose (the original with Kevin Bacon)...I refuse to watch the newer one!

If you had to describe what being in your classroom was like by using a movie title, what would you pick (ex: Vacation, A Walk to Remember, etc.)?

Depends on the class/the day or my mood…sometimes it’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest sometimes A Quiet Place..sometimes A Beautiful Mind, sometimes Lost in Translation.

What fictional character best represents you?

I tried to enlist some help with this one…my sister says that I’m the basilisk from Harry Potter…she’s not funny.  I’d go with Ms. Norberry from Mean Girls for obvious reasons, but that seems too predictable. So I took this Buzzfeed quiz and apparently I’m Rachel Zane…so who’s to know really?

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