Cora Brooks and the Art in her World
Interview by Scarlet Sereno
What’s your favorite type of art?
My favorite type of art is 3D, specifically ceramics.
c e r a m i c s
cora brooks
What environment do you prefer to have when creating art?
I prefer a happy environment that is filled with inspiration.
When did you start creating art and/or exploring different medias?
I started creating art in middle school and developed the skills that I have now in high school.
What got you interested in art?
My grade school teachers got me interested in art; they were the first to get me involved in art.
Does your art come from ideas in your head, or do you look at something for inspiration?
Typically I look at something for inspiration, but recently more ideas have come from my head, and I use the internet to develop those ideas.
What is your favorite piece of art that you created?
My favorite art piece that I have created was a wire sculpture of a tree attached to a rock because I liked working with wire and three dimensional art.
Brooks’ favorite piece: Wire Sculpture Tree
Who is your favorite artist? Who/what motivates you to be artistic?
I do not have a favorite artist, but I am motivated to be artistic because working with my hands is calming and allows me to escape from the everyday hassles of life.
How far do you plan to go into the world with your artwork? What role do you see art playing in both your near and far future?
I plan to keep art as an important part of my life; I plan to go into landscape architecture, which will allow the skills that I develop today to resonate with me in my career.
Who (or what) has inspired you in life and why?
I was forced to take art in elementary and middle school and eventually learned to enjoy art. Teachers and my parents have inspired me because they are who I see most often and they have pushed me to be my best.
If you could, what advice would you give to any upcoming artist who would like to expand in their art world, but feels they do not hold enough ‘talent’?
You are unique and have talents that other people lack. Art is very subjective, for this reason no one can say that you lack artistic talent. Never expect your art to be perfect the first time, art takes patience and practice!
Zentangle Through the World of Art