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All-American and U18 National Team Player: Hannah Pfersch

All-American and U18 National Team Player: Hannah Pfersch

Photo submitted by Hannah Pfersch

What are your future plans for rugby?

I will be attending Quinnipiac University on a scholarship to play D1 rugby next year. I hope to play rugby as long as my body will allow me to.

How have you improved your game in the past year?

Over the past year, I have improved my game in many ways, whether it's at a national development camp, or just practicing in my backyard. Every second of practice helps, and I never take it for granted. I also do a lot of reflecting and goal setting that helps me continue to strive for improvement.

Who’s your favorite rugby pro athlete?

I look up to all of the national team players, but Ilona Maher or Danny Barrett are probably my favorite. Madison Hughes is also up there. 

How would you describe the fall rugby season this year?  What were the team’s greatest strengths?

Our fall season this past year was definitely a rebuilding season with a huge learning curve. We graduated 15 seniors last year, 11 of which were often starters. With 14 new freshmen this year and a new head coach, a lot of adjustments and improvements were made. Our greatest strength is our athleticism. Where most of us lack in knowledge of the game, we make up for in speed and strength.

How are fall rugby and spring rugby different?

Fall rugby is played in the 15s format and spring is played 7s style. Although the rules are the same, the style is completely different. High school 15s are in thirty-minute halves with fifteen people from each team on the field. It is generally a slower game with more contact and strength involved. Rugby 7s is the Olympic style play with only seven-minute halves with seven people from each team on the field. This game is a lot faster paced and involves many different strategies because it is played on the same sized field as 15s.

Do you play any sports outside of rugby?

I’ve played many other sports, all really contributing to my skills in rugby. I used to play soccer, basketball, and track and field but phased out due to injuries or other conflicts. This year I was the Girls’ Varsity Basketball Manager.

What hobbies do you do outside of school?

My hobbies outside of school have always been sports. I love hanging out with my friends or just chilling listening to music. I also really like to cook/bake.

When did you start playing rugby?

I began playing this sport when the team first started my sophomore year in 2017.

Favorite 5 things (not sport-related)

Hmm, this is really broad. My favorite things would probably include my friends, Marvel movies, country music (Thomas Rhett and Luke Combs specifically), ice cream, and my bed.

What's your warm-up routine? 

I don’t really have my own warm-up routine, but I like being the first person to the field and just kind of taking it all in before anyone else gets there. I always get so nervous before games; I usually take a minute to just take a few deep breaths and relax.

Is this the first sport you played/ was this your first choice? Describe your journey to finding this sport.

This was not the first sport I played at all, in fact, it was the last I ever learned. It was not my first choice because I never actually knew it was a choice. I grew up playing soccer and basketball ever since I was four. I played other sports like track and field, karate, and softball. I always liked these other sports but I was never amazing at them. When I heard Hamilton was starting a rugby team, one of my friends dragged me there and told me to play because the uniforms looked cool. Rugby ended up being the perfect combination of all the sports from my past, and that’s how I fell in love with it and became the player I am today.

Why do you continue to play rugby?

I continue to play this sport because I love it. I can’t imagine my life without it and hope I am involved in it in some way for the rest of my life. I don’t think I could even go a couple of hours without thinking about it. This sport has brought me some of my best friends and greatest coaches. There is truly nothing like it, and it is a big part of who I am.

What is your greatest achievement in rugby?

Becoming an All-American and playing on the U18 National team is probably my biggest achievement. Playing in a USA jersey is the greatest honor. Receiving a college scholarship is also a major accomplishment I am proud of.

What would be your ultimate achievement for rugby, ever?

The ultimate goal for me would be to win a college national championship, and then after college, be on the Women's National team and play in a World Cup or an Olympics.

What’s your favorite memory from this season? 

My favorite memory this season was probably watching all of the new kids succeed. I had coached a lot of the freshmen in our tag rugby program last year and seeing them make the transition was really cool. I love watching a newbie score their first try or make a great tackle; it gets me really excited for the future of the program.

What’s the funniest memory from this season?

There is always something to laugh about on this team. Michelle getting hit in the face with a ball multiple times in a practice, Jordy falling and screaming for Taylor, Alli quoting Ice Age all the time. Everyone on this team knows how to have a good time.

What advice do you have for younger athletes playing your sport?

Never stop working hard. But more importantly, never stop having fun. High school or youth sports should never feel like an obligation. It should be your choice to show up every day and give it all you got. Who you are off the field is a reflection of who you are on it. Always strive to be the best.

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