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Price: Hitting the Slopes

Price: Hitting the Slopes

Photo submitted by Brooke Price.

What are your future plans for the sport?

Ski cool places for fun.

How have you improved your skills/technique in the past year?

I joined the MSG ski team and learned new drills to improve my skills.

Who’s your favorite pro athlete/Olympian in your sport?

Lindsay Vonn.

Where’s your favorite place to ski and why?

Breckenridge, Colorado because the runs are so long.

How’s the season going so far?  

Pretty good! Varsity girls have taken first as well as JV girls.

How do you work together with your teammates?

We all enjoy the sport and have lots of fun at practice and races.

Do you play any sports outside of this one?

Running and cross country.

What hobbies do you do outside of school?

Ski with my family, hike, swim, and travel.

When did you start skiing?  When did you start skiing competitively?

When I was 3 years old.

Favorite 5 things (not sport-related)

My family, friends, the outdoors, pets, and running.

What's your warm-up routine? 

Do a few practice runs and inspect the course.

Is this the first sport you played? How did you land on skiing?

I always liked to ski up north with my family as a little kid and never got into racing until later. I tried snowboarding but eventually went back to ski. 

Why do you continue to compete in this sport?

Because I love seeing my friends and getting exercise.

What advice do you have for younger athletes in your sport?

Even if you are not great at it keep with it and most importantly have fun.

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