November Artist of the Month: Favee Xiong

November Artist of the Month: Favee Xiong

Artwork by Favee Xiong. Photo by Cora Kuhlenbeck.

Interview with Favee Xiong

What’s your favorite type of art?  

My favorite type of art is painting. 

What environment do you prefer to have when creating art? 

I usually prefer a quiet environment with no distractions.

Describe your personality in 3 words. 

Caring, sarcastic, and smart. 

When did you start creating art?

 I started drawing when I was two, I actually began to create real art pieces when I was five.

What got you into creating art?

When I was young, I used to love watching my aunt create art. She’s very talented and I wanted to be just like her. Her presence influenced me to create art.

How does art affect your life?

Art is a big part of my life. It’s something I can be somewhat confident about, and I enjoy creating art because it’s a stress reliever for me.

Who’s your inspiration in life and why? 

My inspiration in life is my mom because she’s a really hardworking, smart, and caring person.

Do you ever create controversial art? Are you ever afraid to create this type of art due to fear, hate, or controversy?

 I don’t make a lot of controversial art, but I have made a few pieces with religious aspects incorporated into the piece. I’m not afraid to create this type of art because I’m not afraid to represent myself through art.

What is your creative process?

 I don’t really have a process, I create whatever comes to my mind. I just let my mind and creativity control my hands. 

Is there a double meaning behind your art? 

 Not necessarily. My art may have a double meaning, but it’s a really far stretch if that’s the case. 

How do you know when a work is finished? 

I know when a piece is finished when I can look at it and feel satisfied with it.

Do your peers affect how you feel about your work? 

Yes, it usually affects my confidence and self-esteem, but I try to not let it bother me. I try to see criticism as constructive criticism only.

How has your work changed over time? 

I used to have a more cartoonish style, but I like to draw realistically now. My work has also gotten better in quality throughout my life. 

What do you dislike and like about your work? 

I definitely have more dislikes than likes about my work. I like that my work is very detailed, but I don’t like that my work is not always my best work. I feel that I could do better. 

What is your dream project? 

My dream project is a big watercolor piece. I want a girl with traditional Hmong clothing sitting on the top of a mountain in Asia. I can’t make this piece yet because I feel that my watercolor skills aren’t very good, but I’m working on improving. 

What are your goals for the future? 

My goals for the future are to be successful and happy. 

What gives you the most joy? 

Spending time with my loved ones definitely brings me the most joy. 

Do you find yourself drawing/painting/creating a lot of the same subject? 

Yes, I always find myself drawing long and flowy hair. 

How often do you create art? 

Right now, most of the art I create is for school. In my free time, I create art maybe once every three weeks or whenever I am inspired. 

What’s your least favorite kind of art? Why? 

My least favorite kind of art is sculpting with clay. I feel that it’s the messiest and there are so many factors that can mess up your work.

Artwork by Favee Xiong. Photo by Cora Kuhlenbeck.

Artwork by Favee Xiong. Photo by Cora Kuhlenbeck.

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