Kaleigh Bell: Master of Mediums
Self Portrait by Kaleigh Bell.
What’s your favorite type of art?
My favorite type of art is art that carries a deeper meaning than originally believed—art that tells a story.
What environment do you prefer to have when creating art?
A room with tons of sunlight coming through while playing my favorite music.
Describe your personality in 3 words.
Determined, empathetic, honest.
When did you start creating art?
I’ve been doodling ever since I can remember.
What got you into creating art?
I’ve been creating art since I was a kid, but the person who got me to create personal artwork and built up my love for creating is my eighth-grade art teacher, Mr. Bergeman.
How does art affect your life?
Art allows me to relax and destress, keeping me sane while I try and make my way through life.
Who’s your inspiration in life and why?
If I had to choose, my inspiration in life is my sister Cassian. She has gone through so much hardship and has struggled to get to where she is, but she never once gave up. She does what she wants, wear what she wants, and is the person she wants to be. I admire her ability to continue being her best self even though there are people who have shamed her for it.
Photo and artwork by Kaleigh Bell.
Do you ever create controversial art? Are you ever afraid to create this type of art due to fear, hate, or controversy?
I haven’t created anything controversial yet, but I would love to in the future. I have absolutely no problem with creating a form of art that gets people in a discussion. If I believe something that is controversial, something others fear, or even something others hate, that has more to do with them than it does with me. My artwork, my choice, my message.
What is your creative process?
I typically see something random and a small idea pops into my head. If I'm really interested in it, I will sketch something out and add my own personal changes. I choose a medium that I think will work best in order to produce the best outcome. I will spend hours on the sketching process just to get it completely “perfect” in my head. The actual creation of the product takes the longest and is usually done at school because of the amount of media we have offered here.
Is there a double meaning behind your art?
My art will always have a meaning to me personally, but can also have a direct meaning to another subject. I guess the answer I’m getting at is yes.
How do you know when a work is finished?
I don’t think art is ever finished. There is always something to add or change.
Do your peers affect how you feel about your work?
In a way they do because I subconsciously seek the approval of others. I want others to like my work and I get slightly disheartened when they don’t. That doesn’t stop me from loving my work and continuing my creations.
How has your work changed over time?
I used to only stick to drawing, but now after being exposed to many different forms of media, I’ve changed what I work with. I have paintings, drawings, glass pieces, ceramic sculptures, etc.
What do you dislike and like about your work?
I love the way my work relates back to me and my stories, but I dislike the lack of depth it has. I want there to be more inner meaning and I have yet to find a way to do so.
What is your dream project?
My dream project is to create an image that when looking at it face on is one solid image, but is actually made out of layered glass panels stacked in front of one another.
What are your goals for the future?
My goals for the future are to find a stable job that includes my love for creating and artwork, to live comfortably, and be content with the person I am and the messages I spread.
“Cracked Honey” by Kaleigh Bell.
What gives you the most joy?
The thing that gives me the most joy is making someone else’s day just a little bit better by just doing something simple (EX: Asking how they are doing, giving them a big smile when I see them, showing sympathy, etc.)
Do you find yourself drawing/painting/creating a lot of the same subject?
I do find myself creating similar things on a regular basis. I focus a lot on flowers and bees. I have a hard time shifting into something different because I’m afraid of failing miserably at it.
How often do you create art?
Every single day. I doodle on every piece of paper I receive, and I also believe that makeup is a form of art. Use different colors and shades to build my face into a personal work of art.
What’s your least favorite kind of art? Why?
My least favorite kind of art is art that is rushed. Kids trying to catch up last minute and just slapping elements together with no real care in the world about it. I believe art should be made from your emotions, your soul, and have a deeper meaning. Art should never, EVER be rushed.