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Staff Feature: Mrs. Lanell Becker

Staff Feature: Mrs. Lanell Becker

Photo submitted by Mrs. Becker.

Grace Strelow

So many professions go into making the Hamilton School District what it is. Last month we took a look at what the Athletic Director and Dean of Students does; this month we will take a deeper dive into the  Administrative Assistant of Activities & Athletics, which is a position held by Mrs. Lanell Becker. 

As a child Becker grew up in Madison, WI. Becker has been married for 18 years and has two children. Her daughter attends Waukesha West and is a junior, while her son goes to Les Paul Middle School and is in 7th grade. Becker is big on family time, adding, “My family are die hard UW-Madison Football fans; in fact our basement is done up completely with Badger colors/decorations so we are the go-to destination during the football season.” In her free time Becker enjoys reading. She also loves to attend her children's sporting events. Her son plays basketball and baseball, and her daughter dances. 

Before joining the Hamilton staff, Becker attended UW-Oshkosh. After college, Becker worked for Badger Coaches. “I worked on their Senior Travel end, school bus end & their accounting department. I worked for them for 7 years.”

Becker has been here at Hamilton since 2013 making this her tenth year as a staff member. She  describes a “typical” day as a staff member: “I start the day with checking emails, grabbing phone calls & helping out in the front office until school starts. Once it calms down in the office, I start entering in any supply orders/invoices for any classroom item or anything needed for our sports teams. I do all the ordering for supplies for the High School & all the sports teams. Since it is the start of spring sports, I have been working on checking the registration & approving all that come in on our registration page. I get a ton of emails throughout the day that can range from questions about student fees, parking availability, sport related questions, questions from teachers, coaches, etc.” She also adds, “No day is typical at Hamilton and I love it.”

Clearly there are many aspects that go into her position and Hamilton would be at a major loss without her. She adds that the toughest part of her job is “trying to keep up with all the jobs that I work on & get everything done in a timely manner so nothing gets dropped.” Her favorite part is “the interaction with the students/parents/teachers/coaches.  I am a people person so I love helping out everyone.  I also love the accounting parts of my job.”

As for the future, Mrs. Becker adds the following, “I hope that Hamilton continues to have such wonderful students & parents that help make my job so enjoyable. I also hope that we keep on/hire all the incredible teachers & staff that help to run this school.”

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