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October Teacher Feature: Ms. Strelow

October Teacher Feature: Ms. Strelow

Grace Strelow

October’s teacher feature goes to Ms. Strelow, who has been teaching here at Hamilton for three years. She also taught at Aspen View Academy, in Colorado, for six years and at Capitol West Academy back here in Wisconsin for one year. 

Mr. Malcore, a fellow art department teacher, adds this about Strelow, “Strelow is the BEST!  She is one of the most real and honest people I know. This makes her an awesome teacher in the Art realm because she will always shoot you straight and tell you how it is. She has a passion for art, and it shows every day in her room. She likes to teach by having her students DO, create, make, and apply their knowledge and not just by hearing how to do something. I think students really appreciate that and enjoy being in a class where they can explore and get their hands dirty, literally. We are very lucky to have an awesome teacher like Ms. Strelow in the Art Department and at Hamilton High School.” 

Strelow is also beloved by her students. Haylee Mottl, senior, says, “Strelow is genuinely such a good teacher, she treats us all so well. I’m going to be so upset when I graduate and I can’t see her anymore. I’ll be sure to visit!”

Max Juedes, junior, adds, “Ms. Strelow is a very fun and interesting teacher, she never fails to give us constructive criticism on our art so we continue to grow. She is super supportive and gives us a space to feel free and open to create. She is super swag.”

Strelow attended UW Stevens Point, originally majoring in interior design. She states, “After I realized that was more about fire codes and less about art, I switched to UW-Milwaukee and found Art Education” She continues, “Once I began in the classrooms, I loved what it represented. A place for kids to feel like they are being seen and heard.”

Outside of school Strelow loves traveling and listening to music, specifically bluegrass which, if you have ever walked by her classroom, is constantly playing. She also likes to spend time with her family and friends. She has three older brothers who she claims she hated as a child; however, now they are all super close. 

Strelow’s nieces also attend Hamilton. She adds, “They have been here since I started at Hamilton. It’ll feel weird and definitely sad when they graduate and can’t visit my classroom anymore.”

Read on to hear more from Ms. Strelow:

What is your all time favorite song? Why?

There is no way to choose. I have always loved all styles and genres of music. I am partial to anything bluegrass or by the Grateful Dead or Phish, but you can also find No Diggity by Blackstreet Pumpin’ at any minute too. I am also a huge JT fan.

Who has most influenced you to become an educator, and how did they influence you?

My second-grade teacher, Ms. Abel. She was so much fun and I never had a teacher like her after, which really made me appreciate how impactful her teaching style was. She had a huge Cinderella stagecoach in her room to read in. Genius way to get kids interested in reading, worked like a charm!

If you could get rid of anything, what would it be? Why?

Cilantro. I hate it passionately. It doesn’t taste like soap to me, it’s just ick.  It has become trendy in everything, and people always think I won’t notice if there is a little in something. I. Will. Notice. Everytime.

What’s a surprising fact about you that students don’t know?

I was a ballet dancer from ages 5-16. I hated it at the time but wanted pointe shoes. I hit my goal and peaced out. Now I am happy that I did it. 

What is the best advice you have received?

“Do a job you love. You spend too much of your life at work to hate your job.”

What would you rather do: meet your future self, or go back in time and talk with your past self? Why?

Definitely go back in time. I would tell my past self to have taken bigger risks earlier, and give myself the Sports Almanac, Biff style in Back to the Future. Then I would have the money to give Hamilton an art wing!

What’s your favorite place on earth and why?

Telluride Colorado. It is a town surrounded by mountains. There is only one way in and one way out. It is a gorgeous town filled with good people. 

What is the best decision you have ever made and why?

Leaving WI, moving to Colorado, and making it on my own, by myself. I learned how to be self-sufficient, believe in myself, and never have to rely on anyone to support me. That is the American (wo)man's dream!

What is different about high school now versus when you were in high school?

Social media and phones 100%. Texting was a new thing when I was in high school. I remember thinking it was too much work to hit the “2” button three times to get to a “C”….just call me. Now, please just text me, I don’t want to talk. Lol.

What’s your favorite food? Why?

Mushrooms! Ummmmm, because they are delicious?!? Put those suckers on everything, please!

What is your favorite TV show? Movie?

Jeopardy! I love trivia. It’s not quite the same without Alex, but I am getting used to it, and I respect Ken as a Jep nerd. I love documentaries. Specifically crime. I do like them to be solved though. I hate sitting through one just to find out that the perp was never caught!

How have your previous teachers shaped your teaching style?

I had a lot of not-so-great teachers in my life. I knew immediately that I would be different, and connect with my students because I genuinely care about who they are as people. I hold no power trips, I pick my battles, and I let them be themselves. Art is about community, I am a member of it, not a dictator. 

What is your second favorite subject and why? (besides the one you are teaching now)

It might have to be History! Not all history, specific time periods for sure. And oddly enough, I am not super crazy about art history. I would rather see the work in real life than learn about it in a book. Shhhhh, our little secret. 

What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?

Why, in the year 2022, do I still have to wait for a train!? Like, seriously?!? We haven’t figured that out by now??

What's the toughest decision you've ever made? How did you overcome it?

Leaving Colorado. It was my life, that I built, and it was just mine. Ultimately it was too expensive, and I missed my family. I don’t regret coming back to Wisconsin, but Denver will always be my second home. 

What makes you laugh the most?

My friends. All of my best friends were made in elementary-high school. We make fun of each other constantly, and nobody makes me cry-laugh like them. 

Are you a clean or messy person?

Clean. 100% Art is the opposite of that, I know, believe me. It is painful for me to be in such a messy, dusty environment every day. I am also trackable throughout the school. Just follow my dusty footprints if you are ever looking for me!

What is the coolest concert you have been to? Why? Explain what it was like.

This is a tough question. I have seen a lot of great concerts. But for the sake of the question, I would have to say, Madonna. She is a legend and I don’t really know anyone that has seen her. I was in my 20’s at the time and I was blown away by her dance skills and she was in her 50s! #lifegoals

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?

Just 2- A boat and a person to drive that boat. So I could leave the island immediately. 

What is the best gift you have been given? What is the worst gift you have received?

I am a sucker for small gestures. When someone gives me something just to make me smile or because it reminded them of me, it is truly better than some extravagant gift.  The worst was definitely an anonymous gift under the Christmas tree, labeled “To: Bri, Love: Chad Kroger”  It was a DVD of Nickelback music videos. For anyone who knows me, I loathe that band. Just check out my classroom door sometime.

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