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December Teacher Feature: Mr. Helm

December Teacher Feature: Mr. Helm

Grace Strelow

This month’s teacher feature goes to Mr. Helm. Before teaching, Helm attended Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, where he graduated in 2012. After graduating, Helm was a long-term sub for two years. He subbed at Brookfield Central, Waunakee, and here at Hamilton. This year will now be his 8th year here as a teacher.

Mr. Tennessen, a fellow teacher here, adds, “Ben Helm is an awesome dad, a helpful colleague, and an integral member of our World Language/Social Studies Lunch Crew. What impresses me most about Mr. Helm is his knowledge of and passion for both history and geography. His students are lucky to have a teacher with such an impressive breadth of knowledge. What they don't know is that he also has a kick-butt audio system in his car that is sure to lead to long-term hearing loss. If he doesn't respond to your question, he isn't ignoring you. He just can't hear it.”

In 2019, Mr. Helm married his wife, Laura. In 2021 they welcomed their first baby, Charles (“Charlie”), and are expecting their next baby in May of 2023. Mr. Helm is a big family man; they are all very close and get together often.

Outside of school, Helm loves watching any type of sports. Helm adds this, “I love the Bucks (basketball is my favorite sport), Brewers, Badgers, and [whispers] Vikings.  Skol!  I love being outside.”

Finally, Helm is a big outdoors guy. He and his family love going for hikes, camping, and trying new foods from around the world. Helm also loves playing games, listening to music, and watching movies.

Read on to hear more about this month’s featured teacher:

What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you as a teacher?

I once had a food day with my classes and we ordered pizza.  I accidentally ordered the pizzas for the wrong day so we ended up having all the sides, drinks, and snacks, but no pizza…fail.

Is there anything you wish you would’ve known as a first-year teacher?

You don’t have to stay up late every night grading assignments.  Make sure to keep a good work/life balance and don’t sacrifice one over the other too often.

What songs have you completely memorized?

Baby Got Back (Sir Mix A Lot), nearly every Linkin Park song, and most Avicii - just to name a few.  :-)

What superpower would you like to have and why?

I’d love the ability to control time.  I’d love to be able to go back to the past to observe, slow moments in my life down, and relive experiences.

What's the toughest decision you've ever made?

Buying my first house.  It was the most expensive decision of my life to date and I had to come to terms that although it isn’t the perfect house, a home is what you make it.

What is the best advice you have received?

Live in the moment.  Don’t always look ahead or dwell in the past.  You’ll lose sight of what’s happening right in front of you.

If you weren’t a teacher, what would your dream job be and why?

I’d love to be a professional food taster/critic because I LOVE food and watching food shows always makes me envious of the judges/people who taste and review the delicious food.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?

5 years = Still rockin it at HHS, enjoying being a father/husband/teacher, travel to at least 3 new places

10 years = Moving into an educational admin role (associate or head principal), still enjoying being a father/husband/educator, and travel to at least 5 new places

20 years = Nearing the end of my professional career (thinking about retirement in the near future), still loving being a father/husband/planning for retirement/grandparenthood, and travel to at least 10 new places.

What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?

What happens when someone dies?  What’s next or is there a next?

What historical time period do you want to live in and why?

I love the time we live in now because our standard of living is as good as it’s ever been, access to healthcare/education/technology is incredible, and people are earning more money than ever. 

If I were to go back in time to a historical time period, I would choose the Renaissance/Enlightenment because I love the advances of philosophy, thought, artwork, and human achievements during this time.  

What would students be surprised to know about you?

I have never gone ice skating even a single time in my life.

What weapon would you carry during the Zombie Apocalypse? Who would you team up with and why?

I’d carry a katana (samurai sword) because it’s one of the sharpest swords in the world, won’t run out of bullets, is lightweight, and is effective.

I’d team up with the US military because I hopefully wouldn’t have to do much.  If that isn’t an option, I’d team up with my college friends, brother, and cousins because most of us are outdoorsmen, hunters, and campers, and I feel our collective strengths/skills would help us survive.

What were you like when you were in high school?

I was loud, had many different friend groups, was kind of nerdy (still am, who are we kidding), not afraid to take risks, I’d like to think I was (and still am) funny, academically driven, and pretty laid back.  I also loved disc golfing - I went as often as I could with my friends to Sussex Park to get a round in after school.

What’s your favorite college memory?

Since I went to Drake University, Drake the rapper came to our school and put on a free show for students.  It was lit!

If you could trade classrooms with any teacher at Hamilton, who would it be and why?

I have actually moved classrooms 4 times in my 8 years at HHS (upgrading each time in my opinion), so I’m finally in a room where I am extremely happy and want to be.  However, if I were to trade with anyone, I’d choose Mr. Fagan because he has a huge room, lots of natural light, and a fun/busy area of the school.

What is something you collect?

My wife and I started a tradition of buying a Christmas tree ornament in each new place we travel to as a way to remind ourselves of our time there.  I also collect Monopoly board games (I currently have 74 different boards, most of which are unopened and in their original plastic - weird, I know…but it’s fun).

What’s your first thought when you wake up? What is your last thought before you go to bed?

“How can it possibly be time to get up already…no!”

I think about what my morning/day is going to look like when I get up, meaning what do I have to do and how are things going to come together.

If you could meet anyone in history who would be and why?

Leonardo da Vinci as he is a personal hero of mine and I admire his life, work, innovation, and vision.

What is your favorite TV show? Movie?

My favorite TV show is the X-Files because I love sci-fi thrillers/drama and the episodes largely don’t go in order meaning I don’t have to see one before another (episodes don’t typically follow a set/single storyline). My favorite movie is V for Vendetta as I love the acting, storyline, character dynamics, and messages.

How has Hamilton High School changed since you were a student here?

All the new building editions (Social Studies and Comm. Arts areas), Tech Ed opportunities, fewer student cliques, less blue jeans wearing (dominant style of dress for students when I was a student), and a younger overall staff.

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