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World Cultures' Fair: April 20

World Cultures' Fair: April 20

Diveesha Vanchireddy

Culture is an extremely important part of our identity. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, it is projected that by 2030 almost 50% of the population in schools will be racially and ethnically diverse. Given this statistic, it becomes vital that we become aware of the cultures that we are surrounded by.  The most in-demand soft skills right now are adaptability, communication and cultural awareness which will help us move forward, whether it be for our professional or personal lives. A great way to inculcate these skills is by interacting with different cultures.  A great way to do this is by attending Hamilton’s Culture Fair.

Club Unique is hosting a Culture Fair on April 20 from 5-8 pm in the Hamilton High School  gymnasium/cafeteria. This event guarantees an interactive experience with booths from various cultures, food and games, and music. If you are a travel-buff, food lover, or even just want to get out and meet people, this fair has all of it and attendees stand a chance to compete in various games and win exciting prizes .Attend it to have an “unique” experience and maybe even pick up something interesting on your way!

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