SAS December Athlete of the Month: Chloe Paar
Chloe Parr works out in SAS, demonstrating her commitment and drive. Photo by Mr. Seely.
Teja Lebaka
2021’s December SAS athlete Chloe Paar is a sophomore here at Hamilton High School. Paar likes to spend time with family and friends, and she enjoys working out, listening to music, and running. A swimmer for 10 years, from age 5-15, Parr recently quit to start focusing on track. She also loves playing golf and is interested in joining the Hamilton golf team next year during the fall. Parr says that she has been a part of SAS in the summer last year after her track season ended, and has been doing it ever since. When asked what her favorite part about SAS is, she said, “My favorite part of SAS is being able to spend time with friends while working out.”
Parr has been chosen as the December athlete of the month by Coach Seely, who says, “Chloe has embraced coaching and has seen her technique on the track and in the weight room become downright impressive. We're proud of the commitment that Chloe has made to improving all she does.”
Her motivation to participate in SAS stems from her love to work out and stay in shape, as she expressed that she wanted to start working out more, and SAS was an easy choice because it was run through the school and was a good way to get a workout in. “The future is bright for this young lady,” says Coach Seely. “Chloe Paar has been an outstanding leader for the track team! She has near-perfect attendance with SAS after school, really taking to heart the notion that continually putting in the work time and time again leads to positive change.”
SAS is a great program that helps people stay in shape and athletes improve their skills but through all of the enjoyable times, there are moments when things get challenging and when everyone is pushed to their limits. Paar says, “I think the most challenging part of SAS is some of the agility workouts, such as sleds. They are sometimes difficult, to begin with, and doing them after weight lifting makes them more challenging.” She also says that she has become stronger through weight training and more agile through agility workouts.
SAS is a famous Hamilton program with lots of opportunities for personal growth, so it is highly encouraged for people who want to physically better themselves. Coach Seely, among other coaches, would love to see you there and support you on your journey to physical greatness. Overall SAS is not an easy program and it takes work, time, and effort, but there are many fun times during SAS. To anyone who is interested in joining SAS, Parr says, “It’s a really fun way to get to know more people and workout. Everyone there is so supportive and overall just makes the whole thing really fun.”
Parr smiles mid-workout. Photo by Mr. Seely.