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Mason Versh: SAS February Athlete of the Month

Mason Versh: SAS February Athlete of the Month

Mason Versh, number 50. Photo from Mason Versh.

Tejaswini Lebaka

This February we have our first SAS athlete for 2022, Mason Versh.  Versh is a freshman at Hamilton High School who is a part of the football team and has been a member of SAS for two years.  Versh likes to hang out with his family and watch sports like football and basketball with them. He also likes to go for runs with his dog, Axl, who is an English Mastiff.

“The weight room is my favorite part of SAS because the atmosphere in there when you're lifting is awesome,” quoted Versh.

He was chosen as this month’s SAS athlete by Coach Seely who says, “Mason is a high energy young man that continues to work his tail off for the Hamilton Football team. His character is outstanding and he is also really developing as a leader. Coach Gumm and Coach Ray have really enjoyed watching Mason develop as an athlete and as a human being. Big things are in store for Mason!” 

Versh mentioned that a person he looks up to is Coach Gumm, one of the football coaches.  Gumm states, “Mason is an extremely high character young man that works his tail off every day and makes those around him better.” Gumm continues, “His energy is contagious and his growth as a leader has really been fun to watch. I am very excited about Mason's future!”  SAS is an amazing program that has a lot to offer but motivation and dedication are important. Versh says that staying in shape during the off-season was what motivated him to join SAS.  

SAS is a really great program that helps people stay in shape and allows athletes to improve their skills, but through all of the fun and enjoyable times, there are times when things get challenging and when the athletes need to work really hard and everyone is pushed to their limits.  Versh says, “I think the most challenging part of SAS is putting forth the effort and energy when you're tired.” 

SAS is a successful Hamilton program with lots of opportunities for personal growth, so it is highly encouraged for people who want to physically better themselves. Coach Seely, among other coaches, would love to see you there and support you on your journey to physical greatness. Overall SAS is not an easy program and it takes work, time, and effort, but there are many fun times during SAS.  To anyone who is interested in joining SAS, Versh says, “Just give it a shot. It's really fun and beneficial for you and the people that are doing SAS will push you to be better physically and mentally. It is also a place to make friends and build connections among your peers.” 

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