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SAS November Athlete of the Month: Sean Roubik

SAS November Athlete of the Month: Sean Roubik

Picture of Sean Roubik during SAS. Photo from Mr. Seely.

Teja Lebaka

This year's November athlete Sean Roubik is a sophomore here at Hamilton High School. He was born in Menomonee Falls, but has been a part of the Hamilton School District his whole life.  Roubik has been playing sports his whole life, including baseball, basketball, and football. Roubik says that baseball is the only sport he is currently still playing for the high school team.  Sean Roubik has been a part of SAS since the 2019-2020 school year, and when asked what his favorite part about SAS is he said, “I love the agility stuff we do after lifting; I feel like that kind of stuff has been helping me get faster and more explosive.” 

Roubik has been chosen as the November athlete of the month by Coach Seely. Roubik says, “I was motivated to participate in SAS because it helps me get better at my sports, and get stronger in general.” His motivation to be a great hard-working athlete is always there. Coach Seely says, “This year has seen the SAS program as busy as ever.  Sean Roubik has been there without fail! Having Sean there is wonderful from a leadership perspective. He has the ability to lead by example with the effort he puts forth and the way he goes about his business.” 

SAS is a really great program but through all of the fun times, there are times when things get challenging and when the athletes need to work really hard. Roubik says, “The most challenging part about SAS is that some days I just don’t have enough energy after a long day of school, so just having the energy and commitment it takes to work out is sometimes hard.” 

SAS is a popular Hamilton program with lots of opportunity for personal growth, so it is highly encouraged for people who want to physically better themselves. Coach Seely, among other coaches, would love to see you there and help you on your journey to physical greatness. Overall SAS is not an easy program and it takes work and effort, but there are many fun times during SAS. Roubik says that his favorite part of SAS is the agility workouts that they do. 

Finally, in a statement from Coach Seely about Roubik, he says, “Our younger kids truly have a solid role model to emulate.  Sean has bought into the idea of building his body to be faster, stronger, and more resistant to injury. It has been fun to watch the past two years as he’s developed solid sprint and lifting technique. He goes about improving the right way.”

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