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March Students of the Month

March Students of the Month

Hamilton High School students representing 12 curriculum areas were selected as students of the month for March. Students received a certificate and a pin for their accomplishment.

Pictured from left, front: Scott Wenzel, fitness education; Margaret Watson, world languages; Izzabella Olsen, family and consumer sciences; Aidan Mooney, art. Middle: Noah Schweighardt, applied engineering and technology; Aviya Mitchell, social studies; Grace Redman, science; Isabella Khaleel, student resources. Back: Ezri Schulze, communication arts; Allison McCurdy, business education; Jeremy Scherer, student resources. Not pictured: Kacey McMillan, music and Brady Bentrup, mathematics.

Staff Member of the Month: Ms. Turnacliff

Staff Member of the Month: Ms. Turnacliff

Synergy Presents: Pop Show!

Synergy Presents: Pop Show!