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January Students of the Month

January Students of the Month

Hamilton High School students representing 12 curriculum areas were selected as students of the month for January. They are:

Pictured from left, front: Mackenzie Mayer – communication arts, Erik Chevalier – business education, Trinity Schrotenboer – art, Ryan Below – applied engineering and technology; middle: Jarrett Borkowski – music, Elsie Gorgen – mathematics, Benjamin Bayer – fitness education, Isabella Schaefgen – family and consumer sciences; back: Tyler Rasmussen – student resources, Tyler Vergin – world languages, Leah Ezrow – student resources, Vahe Ohihoin – social studies, Blake Guthrie – science.

Students received a certificate and a pin for their accomplishment.

NBA Updates 9

NBA Updates 9

Abolish the ACT

Abolish the ACT