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Leukemia Lymphoma Society: Banking on a Cure

Leukemia Lymphoma Society: Banking on a Cure

Picture from LLS

Peyton Toepfer

What is Leukemia Lymphoma Society?

Leukemia Lymphoma Society (LLS) is a national nonprofit organization that helps to raise funds for blood cancer research.

What can we do to help the cause?

Our section at Hamilton High School intends to create fundraisers and reach out to local businesses to raise money for blood cancer research. Previous teams in the past at Hamilton have raised up to $50k for LLS. We will continue what past groups have been doing and continue to raise money to fight blood cancer. 

How our team plans on raising money:

Our team, Banking on a Cure, will raise money by reaching out to businesses via phone calls, meeting in person, and sending letters. Our goal is to raise $15,000 initially and hopefully increase that amount to $30,000. The money we receive will be donated directly to LLS to be used for research, advocacy, and financial assistance for those afflicted with blood cancer. We chose to donate to this organization because we believe that no one should have to go through such a deadly illness. Our team already has planned a wide array of events and ideas to carry out at our school and various businesses to raise money (one of which includes an intramural basketball tournament)!

Why should you join Akhil’s team “Banking on a Cure”?

Our team is led by Akhil Pidikiti and Sriya Gannapureddy and has the most members compared to the other LLS groups. We plan to send out ‘tasks’ sometime after mid-October in an organized fashion, allowing for a good amount of time to get each task done. Examples of these tasks include drafting letters to send to family and friends requesting donations, planning various events at Hamilton to raise awareness, and reaching out to businesses for donations and partnerships. We plan on having a successful and efficient team that will raise money for our cause. We value our community and wish to better it by raising money for blood cancer. “Banking on a Cure” will be a fun and productive group, so come join us on our mission to better the lives of those with Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!

How to join our team?

Contact Akhil Pidikiti via email at  if you’d like to join or have any questions about our program!

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