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The Music behind the Magic

The Music behind the Magic

Peyton Toepfer

What is a Show Choir Combo?

In the simplest explanation, we play the backing music for the singers in the show choir. We play many different tunes, most of which are pop songs. This year we are playing songs such as Higher, and Stronger arranged by Phil Riley. While the synergy is on stage, we are behind them with instruments and music. 

Why Should You Join?

Synergy combo is a great way to play an instrument if you aren’t able to fit a band class into your schedule. It also gives an opportunity to play non-traditional band instruments such as guitar and bass. It is a lot of fun and a good way to work on different musical skills. Combo is also another way to get experience performing in general. There aren’t really any requirements to join, other than a willingness to put time and effort into practicing your instrument. 

When Does the Combo Meet?

The combo meets on Wednesdays typically from 3:00-5:00 pm. During these practices, we will run through music without the singers and work through different parts of the songs. On other days, we will meet with the singers and do full runs of the show.


The show choir competitions take place in January and February. All of the competitions are on Saturdays and run all day. Rehearsals continue on Wednesdays throughout the competition season. At the competitions, we get to watch other groups perform and have fun with friends. Overall, combo is a fun, casual way to play different instruments and hang out with friends. 

“Combo is such a fun experience, just getting to hear the talent of Synergy while doing something I love.”

-Evan Rosenau, Tenor Sax

“The combo supports the singers, and we all get to shine at the same time. It's a lot of fun!”

-Megan Draheim, Auxiliary

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