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A Helping Paw: HAWS & Hamilton

A Helping Paw: HAWS & Hamilton

Photo from The Awesome Daily.

Peyton Impola

We’ve all seen the commercials. The Sarah McLachlan song playing in the background. The shots of sad, lonely cats and dogs, waiting to be put out of their misery. 

They may be a tad melodramatic, but those commercials for animal shelters have good intentions. According to ASPCA, approximately 920,000 shelter animals are put down each year. While that may seem like just another sad statistic that we as teenagers have no control over, there actually are many actions we can take to aid animals living in shelters. 

Hamilton’s Student Council is aiming to take those actions. Council’s second semester service projects are going to be focused on providing aid, financial or otherwise, to HAWS. 

Kicking off the semester, Student Council conducted a cash drive for HAWS on Friday, January 14th. In total, $285.00 was collected from student donations, and Council rounded up to $300 for their first donation to the humane society. Student Council would also like to issue a special shout out to Mrs. Kowalske and her classes for raising the most money! 

As the year goes on, Student Council will continue to find ways to contribute to HAWS, both financially and otherwise. Stay alert for future possibilities to participate. There will be fundraisers, toy drives, and more. All in all, Hamilton Student Council wants to lend a helping paw to man’s best friend, and hopes that you too will show your support. 

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