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Key Club: A Leadership Club for All

Key Club: A Leadership Club for All

Image from Key Club International.

Bella Gruber

Are you seeking a club that allows you to be a part of your community through engaging activities, and collaborate with people across Hamilton with the same values as you? If you’ve considered any of the above, then Key Club may be a great fit for you. Key Club is a volunteer and community service-based organization for high school students across the nation, operating under Kiwanis International. While there are various clubs that strive to operate in the community, there has not been a Key Club at Hamilton since the early 90s. Help us bring back this generosity-driven club by joining Key Club! 

Joining Key Club is a prime means of gaining service hours in an engaging way that allows students to build their leadership skills while directly helping others. Since Kiwanis International is a globally recognized umbrella organization that builds leadership skills among all ages, Key Club is well-recognized on resumes among employers and college admissions.

What do students do in Key Club?

Members will create meaningful projects to connect with the community by meeting twice a month and discussing ideas that are needed in Hamilton’s community or throughout Sussex. A variety of projects will be discussed that have different levels of involvement in order to cater to what students are interested in and able to participate in. Because Key Club is a student-run organization, the activities and success of the club is based on the ideas that members propose.

Brief ideas of what projects will be done in the next school year:

  • Run a car wash

  • Promoting Hamilton’s volunteer board to members and all students

  • Supporting other clubs at Hamilton

  • Creating care packages for shelters in need

  • Dog toy fundraiser

  • Book drive

  • Volunteering at nursing homes

  • Attending the Wisconsin and Upper Michigan Key Club convention (DCON) 

  • Cleaning up public spaces

How is Key Club different from other service-based clubs at Hamilton?

Key Club is open to all students to join, and directs projects not only to help the school community, but Sussex as a whole. Furthermore, Kiwanis sponsorship of Key Clubs in high schools throughout the US means that we must align our services under their primary values - improving the world one child and community at a time. Key Club also operates under the value that there are no requirements to how much or little work must be contributed by each member, it is just asked that all members show their commitment to being a part of their community through participating in all events that they are available to come to. 

How do I get involved?

To anyone interested in staying updated with our future plans, feel free to join the Remind chain by texting @cd3bh23 to 81010 (pictured below) or adding a new class on the app. We hope to gather during the summer to hold a meeting so that we can kick off the next school year strong!

For any questions, please email
To learn more, visit the Key Club website.

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