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This Year's Retiring Teachers: A Celebration of Years of Hard Work and Dedication

This Year's Retiring Teachers: A Celebration of Years of Hard Work and Dedication

Photos from Hamilton school yearbooks.

Bella Gruber

Once again, the time of year has come when we must give a sincere farewell to the retiring teachers who have sparked the potential of countless students at Hamilton. With a gracious thank you to the impact that these teachers have had at Hamilton, we wish them the best going forward into retirement. This year we are celebrating the careers of Ms. Block, Mr. Kougl, Mrs. Wied, Sra. Sumiec, and Sra. Feudner at Hamilton. 

World Language Department

Frau Karrels: The HHS World Language Department won't be the same next year without Sra Sumiec and Sra Feudner. We will miss the energy, creativity, professionalism, and humor they bring to our department. Both of them are amazing teachers who love to share their passion for the Spanish language and the Spanish-speaking cultures with their students.

Sr. Hanlon: I am going to tremendously miss both Sra Feudner and Sra Sumiec.  Both have been here since I first taught here in 2017. We were colleagues but over time we developed wonderful friendships. Both teachers had the students' interests in their hearts. Also, both teachers were constantly thinking and planning how they could modify lessons to make them even better. We know as a world language department that they are leaving, but I don't think that it has hit us yet. It will hit us next year: their energy, dedication, expertise, kindness and friendship will be missed by students and fellow teachers alike. 

Sra. Sheikh: While I have only worked at HHS for the past two years, both Sra Feudner and Sra Sumiec have made me feel like a valued member of our department family even back when I was at TMS. Sra Feudner is easy to talk to and so funny! I will miss her incessant need to make everything grammatically correct, her spirited comments, her creativity, and her sage advice about life. Sra Sumiec is by far one of the kindest people I have ever met.  She is my #goals when it comes to organization and planning.  I will miss having her as a partner in crime and an empathetic ear for the roller coaster that is Spanish 1.

Herr Schultz: I had the great pleasure of knowing both Sra Sumeic and Sra Feudner for the past eleven years.  Since I've known them, both teachers have been role models for their peers and pillars of the educational community here at Hamilton. Their passion for teaching and caring for students is emblematic of what it means to be a teacher. And while they may be moving on, the experiences and knowledge gained by students in their classrooms will live on long after their retirements, and their presence here at HHS will not easily be replaced.

Sra. Feudner

How long have you taught at Hamilton?

17 years

What classes have you taught? Do you have a favorite class that you’ve taught?

Throughout my career I have taught Spanish 1 to Spanish 5.  At HHS, I have taught Spanish 2, 3, 4 and 5.  I don't really love any class better than another.  The past few years I have taught level 2 and 5.  I love level two because they are so enthusiastic about everything in life, and they make me laugh.  I love Spanish 5 because they are very mature and thoughtful in how they treat others and myself.  They are fun to talk to and work with because they are becoming adults.

Have you had any involvement with sports/clubs over the years? If so, what favorite memories do you have from advising/coaching?

I have advised the yearbook and student council at South Milwaukee High School (my first teaching job). At Hamilton, I have advised two classes—the Class of 2017 and 2021 where I planned two proms and a senior ball. I have advised the Spanish Club and currently advise Spanish National Honor Society. I have great memories of planning prom. It was similar to planning a wedding. I also love each Spanish Honor Society initiation. I am so proud of the students who achieve this honor.

What will you miss the most about teaching?

I will miss my students and colleagues. I have loved coming here every day and have never regretted my decision to become a teacher. My fellow teachers are amazing, and I have made many really great friendships that will continue during retirement.

Favorite memories from teaching at Hamilton?

I have so many great memories at HHS that it is hard to pick. I have taken students abroad to Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Spain, and every trip was amazing, but my favorite memory was a trip to Spain with Sra Sumiec when Spain was in the semi-finals of the World Cup. We all went to the hotel restaurant to watch the game, and the Spaniards painted our students' faces and gave them t-shirts or noise makers to cheer on Spain with them. When we returned, the students on the trip had a party to watch the final game of the World Cup, and Spain won.  It was a once in a lifetime experience. My favorite memory with my fellow teachers was our golf/bags tournament at the end of the school year in 2019.

What are you most excited about in retirement? 

I am excited to not be on a teaching schedule. I hate waking up at 5:15 in the morning. I am not a morning person. I can't wait to travel during the off-season as well. Obviously, I am excited to travel and embrace the fun things I like to do in my free time such as golf, camp, cross-country ski, and bike.

What advice would you give a first year teacher?

Don't give up! It gets better and easier with time. Your first 5 years teaching are by far the hardest years. I spent 3 or 4 hours lesson planning every day after school and my discipline was terrible in my classes. Teaching really is an on-the-job learning experience, and you are not really good at this job until 5 to 7 years in.

Finally, what advice would you give to outgoing seniors that are beginning their adult life?

Find your passion, whether in life or your job but embrace that. Spaniards have an expression: Spaniards work to live, but Americans live to work. I would hope that this new generation finds a way to not do that. We need to find a way to put family, friends, and our passions before our work. This generation, in my opinion, is amazing—they care about others, are accepting of differences, and care about our environment—things my generation failed at. They don't need my advice honestly.  

Quotes from Students

“Sra Feudner has always found a way to be able to connect with her students. She puts in effort to make class fun and engaging and is continuously teaching her students how to be good people outside of school. Her lively presence will be greatly missed within this school.”

“Señora Feudner makes class so much fun! Her passion makes students passionate, and I’m so incredibly grateful to have her as a teacher.” 

“Sra. Feudner is one of the most energetic and motivating teachers I've met in my whole life and will stand out as one of my favorite teachers for the rest of my life.”

“I loved having Sra. Feudner as my Spanish 2 teacher ,and I'm so sad that I will not have her for next year when I take Spanish 5. Whether I was feeling happy or sad coming into class, my mood immediately became 10 times better as soon as I stepped into the room. Sra. Feudner created such a cheerful and welcoming environment in her classroom where I was sure to be laughing every day I had her class!”

Mrs. Feudner was also selected as one of Charger Press’ Teacher Feature articles! Check out her article here.

Sra. Sumiec

How long have you taught at Hamilton?

18 years

What classes have you taught? Do you have a favorite class that you’ve taught?

I have taught primarily Spanish 1 and 3 but also Spanish 2. The Spanish 3 students stand out for their engagement, dedication, and ability to have fun with Spanish. The Spanish 1 and 2 students stand out for their nutty and often high-spirited personalities. In Spanish 1, it seems like there are more life lessons than Spanish lessons.

Have you had any involvement with sports/clubs over the years? If so, what favorite memories do you have from advising/coaching?

As a Spanish Club Advisor for so many years, I had the opportunity to explore Hispanic culture with food, fiestas and outings around the area. Some of the best memories are connected to the Hispanic families we supported through the Christmas Clearing Council. We adopted families and purchased gifts, wrapped and delivered. Everyone was so grateful for our help.

What will you miss the most about teaching?

I will certainly miss all the shared experiences with my co-workers and all the entertainment and banter provided by the students every day! Who will make me laugh every day?

What are your favorite memories from teaching at Hamilton?

My favorite memories are the classes where students open up, relax, and share their drama and fun stories. It is very fulfilling to create these relationships that last beyond high school. Of course, I have many memories with co-workers: the merriment and hilarity of the lunch table conversations, the sometimes dramatic exchanges with co-workers, and mostly the great relationships and friendships I have made over the years.

What are you most excited about in retirement? 

Most excited about freedom from the school calendar! No more 190 required days without the possibility of travel outside of the calendar. I look forward to traveling in the fall and spring break outside of peak travel days. I look forward to long weekends in northern Wisconsin, hiking the Ice Age Trail, and exploring national parks throughout the US. There are probably several trips abroad in my retirement as well.

What advice would you give a first year teacher?

Advice to new teachers: There is an overwhelming amount of information and tasks. It will get easier. Take one day at a time. Put in time planning your classes, and everything goes much smoother.

Finally, what advice would you give to outgoing seniors that are beginning their adult life?

If you are going to college, take your classes seriously and don't skip. If you are heading into the workforce, show up every day and go above and beyond. When your employers or professors understand your work ethic, your experiences are greatly improved—or not—haha, depending on what work ethic you show up with!

Quotes from Students

“Señora Sumiec was the best Spanish 1 teacher I could have asked for. She made class fun and entertaining, and her humor is contagious.”

“I'm so happy that I got to have Sra. Sumiec as a Spanish 3 teacher before she retires! She always made Spanish class so fun and had an interactive relationship with her students that encouraged us to engage more in class! She cared very much for her students. Anytime I was feeling down in class, she always noticed and had sympathy for me!”

“Señora Sumiec is great at gaining the attention and respect of her students. Having her as a teacher and being her TA have allowed me to see the impact she has on her students.”

Math Department

Mr. Sciortino: Leanne is the swiss-army knife of the math department. She has taught 7 different classes in 9 years at Hamilton! That feat is unprecedented! I admire her for her wisdom, her vision of what good teaching looks like, and her integrity.  She is genuine, sincere, and will be missed more than she knows. I wish her nothing but health and happiness in her future.

Ms. Dederich: Leanne's role with the students, teachers, and specifically, the math department of Hamilton will not be one that is easily filled. From my first year, she has been someone I could always trust to give excellent advice or listen to my frustrations. I consider myself to be extremely fortunate to have Ms. Wied on the other side of the wall for the past 7 years.  While she will certainly be missed, I am so excited for her to have some time to relax and enjoy time with her family.

Mrs. Winters: Mrs. Wied is a calm leader who always brings great insight to the math department. She is one of the kindest and most genuine people (not just teacher!) that I have ever met.  I know HHS staff and students will greatly miss her next year!

Mr. DeJarlais: Ms. Wied is a model of warmth, grace, and professionalism in the Math Department. She has stepped up to teach multiple new classes each year in her time here at HHS, all while doing a fantastic job and without complaint. She is always willing to lend an ear and give advice without judgement, which are trademarks of a true leader. She will be dearly missed at HHS, but we are happy to see her earn the retirement she deserves after so many years dedicated to serving others.

Ms. Wied

How long have you taught at Hamilton?

I have been at Hamilton for 9 years, and I have been teaching for 37 years.

What classes have you taught? Do you have a favorite class that you’ve taught?

At Hamilton I have taught Algebra, Geometry Concepts, Geometry, Intermediate Algebra, Advanced Algebra, Business Math, and Math and Logic, and I was fortunate to be a virtual teacher in 2020-2021. I don’t have favorite classes, but I have favorite lessons. I am always excited to teach about the Golden Ratio and Fractals in Geometry, and how exponential growth and time impacts retirement savings in Advanced Algebra and Business Math. I value opportunities for students to make mathematical connections to the world outside the classroom.

What will you miss the most about teaching?

I will miss teaching my favorite lessons. But I will very much miss watching the growth of students over a semester or over the years. Learning involves struggle and to see a student struggle in a class, or over a concept, or exhibiting low confidence…seeing them work hard to overcome those barriers and come out stronger, more confident, and more resilient…that is what brings me tremendous pride.

Favorite memories from teaching at Hamilton?

My favorite memories are the small moments in the classroom or hallway. Smiles, hellos, kindness, and appreciation from students. And also, those moments with dear colleagues, whether quickly in the hallway, during a prep, a meeting, or after work. I will miss those immensely.

What are you most excited about in retirement? 

I’m excited to enjoy the seasons, especially autumn, and spend more time outdoors. I am especially looking forward to spending more time with family and friends. Oh…and I look forward to deleting that 5:00 a.m. alarm.

What advice would you give a first year teacher?

I would tell a new teacher that the beginning years are challenging in many ways, but it gets easier, and do not give up too soon. Find those adults you can trust to support you and keep everything in perspective. You get an opportunity to start over every day. Never underestimate your worth, care and advocate for your students, and care and advocate for yourself.

Finally, what advice would you give to outgoing seniors that are beginning their adult life?

I would tell seniors that it is not true that “these are the best years of your life.” It gets better and better. Be kind to others always, but also respect yourself and demand that others do as well. Be flexible—have your plans but know that life has its plans for you. And never underestimate your worth. (And I would be remiss if I didn’t encourage you for the last time to start saving for your retirement ASAP!)

Quotes from Students

“Ms. Wied's class was always something I looked forward to because of her constant kindness each day. Her classroom was a refreshing place to be in.”

“I loved having Ms. Wied as a teacher my sophomore year! I could always tell how much she loved teaching math because of the big smile she had when she was up at the board teaching! She was not only so kind when I had her as a teacher, but everyday since when I have seen her in the hallway she has always looked at me with a big smile and said ‘hi’!”

“Ms. Wied was super kind every time I talked to her in class, and she was always extremely understanding. She still continues to say hello in the halls when I pass her and always manages to put a smile on my face. I am so glad I got to be a student in her class.”

Physical Education Department

Ms. Ullmann: Mrs. Block will forever be one of Hamilton’s finest! I feel so fortunate to have had Mrs. Block as a mentor the past 3 years as well as had her as a teacher my senior year! She is extremely dedicated and passionate about teaching students about living healthy lives, and she is one of the best at building relationships with her students. Through her encouragement and teacher wisdom, Mrs. Block has helped me navigate the challenging times of being a “newer” teacher, and I will always appreciate her willingness to lend a listening ear when I needed it. The positive impact she has made on the Hamilton community will be treasured by many forever, and we will miss her smiley face and positive energy in the halls (and gyms) of Hamilton High School. I can’t thank you enough for all you have done here at Hamilton, Mrs. Block! You will be missed!

Mr. Neary: Kathy has been one of my biggest mentors as a young teacher!  Every day she has a positive energy and enthusiasm that is contagious with her class and the teachers she works with.  Our Fitness Ed department has truly been lucky and thankful for all that she has done to make our work days 1000 times easier.  We will truly miss Kathy in this department, but we are extremely excited for the next chapter in her life!  She has earned it!

Mr. Lena: Kathy is one of the most dedicated teachers in our school. She always brings a smile to class and makes her students feel comfortable. In her upper level classes, she both teaches and demonstrates intense workouts for her students multiple blocks in a row. Kathy is the glue for our department and will be sorely missed in the years to come.

Mr. Gumm: Kathy is one of the most dedicated and thorough teachers I have been around. She has great relationships with all of her students and truly cares about them and their futures. She brings great perspective and ideas to our department.  She also goes out of her way to advocate for what is right and best for kids.  She will be greatly missed.

Mrs. Block

How long have you taught at Hamilton?

I have been teaching at Hamilton since 1994. I took the 2001-2002 school year off to take care of my two sons. So, I started 30 years ago and have taught 29 here at Hamilton. I taught 5 years before coming to HHS.

What classes have you taught? Do you have a favorite class that you’ve taught?

I have pretty much taught all of the classes offered at one time or another. These classes include: Freshmen Personal Fitness, Modified Fitness, Sophomore Health and Fitness, Weight Training (the old one offered), Individual and Dual Sports, Team Sports, Fitness Fusion, and Lifetime Fitness. I have enjoyed all of them for different reasons.

Have you had any involvement with sports/clubs over the years? If so, what favorite memories do you have from advising/coaching?

I coached track and field, volleyball, keeping the book and clock for volleyball and basketball, class advisor, and probably some things I can’t think of. There are so many good memories. Working with different students, coaches, and teachers has made a lot of great memories.

What will you miss the most about teaching?

I will miss the students and seeing them grow over the years. There are some students I have been lucky enough to teach for 2, 3, or even 4 years. We have so many neat students, and I will miss the interactions.

Favorite memories from teaching at Hamilton?

There are too many to pick :)

What are you most excited about in retirement? 

Being able to travel whenever I want to (not during the most expensive times of the year), and having a flexible schedule. Being able to spend more time with my husband, kids, extended family and friends.

What advice would you give a first year teacher?

Don’t feel like you have to do everything at once. There is a lot thrown at you, all at once. There are constantly changes, and the years will fly by. Enjoy the students and love what you do.

Finally, what advice would you give to outgoing seniors that are beginning their adult life?

  1. Take care of your health (physical, mental/emotional, and social). You have one body, take care of it. It may take work, but the work will be worth it. You know what to do: implement it.

  2. Step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. You never know what opportunities could be life changing.

  3. Be present. Don’t miss your own life watching someone else's (especially on social media).

Quotes from Students

“Ms. Block is so much fun and never fails to make me smile or laugh. She always says hi and asks me how I’m doing whenever I see her in the halls!”

“I had Mrs. Block as my sophomore gym teacher, and she made the class, which is my least favorite, more enjoyable then I could have ever imagined. I usually hate gym class, but she made sure to make a positive and engaging atmosphere and made sure everyone was comfortable. I am very glad I had her as a gym teacher.”

Science Department

Ms. Wainio: Mr Kougl has been a great addition to the science department and will be truly missed. I have loved being his neighbor and cannot imagine my Hamilton days without him.

Ms. Maxwell: Kougl is the go to guy for everything! He is our rock! He has our back on everything and knows when to joke around and lighten the mood. We will be at a loss without him.

Mr. Simays: After interviewing Mr. Kougl for the AP Chemistry position many years ago, I knew he was the right person for the job. He showed through his experience and knowledge that he was going to be a valuable asset to HHS. He hasn't disappointed! Awesome time here Mr. K!  You will be sorely missed in the years to come for your wit, your knowledge and your expertise.

Ms. Trafficante: Mr. Kougl has been an amazing friend and colleague since he started here at Hamilton. Mr Kougl is always willing to help out a co-worker, a true team player!  He is a great person to bounce ideas off of and he is willing to take other people's points of view into consideration.  But it is his strong dedication to his students that makes him an amazing teacher. He is patient, supportive and always willing to put in he extra time to help students be their best. His sense of humor and veteran expertise will be greatly missed here at HHS!

Mr. Weiss: Andy Kougl has been a staple of the science department for the last decade.  His witty remarks and quick jokes always made his colleagues and students laugh.  He has a unique way to teach challenging concepts but make the overall class fun and interesting for his students.  He is the type of chemistry teacher that would come close to lighting himself in a demonstration, but then make a quick joke afterwards. Mr. Kougl's passion and love for chemistry was always apparent in his classroom and was a main reason why many students would sign up for AP chemistry each year. He will be deeply missed by students and colleagues alike, and we science teachers all wish him the best in his retirement.

Mr. Kougl

How long have you taught at Hamilton?

10 years.

What classes have you taught? Do you have a favorite class that you’ve taught?

Chemistry and AP Chemistry.  AP Chemistry, of course.

Have you had any involvement with sports/clubs over the years? If so, what favorite memories do you have from advising/coaching?

Not at Hamilton. Previously, middle school basketball and football for ~7 years and JV and JV2 softball for ~18 years

What will you miss the most about teaching?

I plan to teach AP Chem somewhere else next year, but if this were the end, interacting with students and colleagues.

Favorite memories from teaching at Hamilton?

So many. See #4.

What are you most excited about in retirement? 

Sleeping a little more and having time to exercise.

What advice would you give a first year teacher?

Find a place to teach where you are treated as the classroom expert, make the curriculum your own, and enjoy the ride.

Quotes from Students

“Having Mr. Kougl as a teacher significantly enhanced my learning experience. Despite AP Chem being highly challenging, he always encouraged the best out of me and worked through my multitude of questions. He has always been willing to go further than needed to ensure the success of his students.”

“I had Mr. Kougl my sophomore year, and he was always a super nice and encouraging teacher. He's always supportive when students need help on assignments, including myself. He explained things thoroughly and was able to make my classmates and I understand the content more clearly. Overall, he is a great teacher and had a very positive impact on Hamilton.”

“Mr. Kougl was always really helpful every day and was able to make chemistry fun and pretty interesting. Every time I see him in the hallways, he asks how I am doing. I really appreciate all the effort he has put in.”

“Mr. Kougl was an amazing teacher. He always made class fun and captivating, despite the difficult content we had to learn in AP Chem. I had a great time in his class and learned so much from him. Hamilton will miss a great teacher!”

Mr. Kougl is also this year’s selected teacher for the Charger Press senior letter! Read his letter here. He was also previously featured in the Teacher Feature series.

Thank you to all of the teachers that have devoted their hearts into shaping the futures of so many students. While retirement will act as a new beginning for many adventures, your impact at Hamilton will never be forgotten.

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