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Hamilton Fun Run

Hamilton Fun Run

Poster designed by Flucas and Trujillo.

Farrah Flucas and Avandra Trujillo

Kick off your summer with a fun run on June 15th. This run/walk is a 3K and will be held at Hamilton High School to fundraise money for Children's Wisconsin. The goal of this 3k is to spread awareness for Children's Wisconsin while also bringing our community together in a fun way.

Check in will occur at 8:30, and the event will start at 9. We will have games, temporary tattoos, water, and popsicles. We plan on ending the event at 11. We hope to see you there!

The Unsolvable Equation: Red or Blue?

The Unsolvable Equation: Red or Blue?

This Year's Retiring Teachers: A Celebration of Years of Hard Work and Dedication

This Year's Retiring Teachers: A Celebration of Years of Hard Work and Dedication