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Goodbye Charger Press

Goodbye Charger Press

Screenshot of Charger Press

Grace Strelow

When I was a freshman, I had Mrs. Kowalske for Comm Arts 9. As a freshman in high school, I wasn’t really sure what I should do for clubs or extracurriculars. Mrs. Kowalske was the new advisor of the Charger Press, the Hamilton High School newspaper. At first I was unsure of joining, but after many different conversations I was convinced. 

When I first started writing articles for the Charger Press, I wrote  simple articles like Q&A’s and eventually, I branched out. I wrote sports themed articles, like athlete of the month, or SAS athlete of the month, with the help of Mr. Seely. There was very little time commitment, but I was satisfied with what I wanted to do for the club. 

Then sophomore year rolled around and I continued my articles that I was writing freshman year; however, I wanted to expand my role in the club. During the end of my sophomore year, I had the idea to feature the teachers that made HHS the school that it is. Since Mr. Seely was such a huge help with my articles during my freshman year and the beginning of my sophomore year, I thought he would make a great first Teacher Feature. From there, the rest is history. I continued to publish my creation, or Teacher Features, once a month from the end of my sophomore year to now. I ended my Teacher Features with Herr Schultz, who was my 19th feature. These articles have taught me so much about the teachers here at HHS, and I hope they taught staff and students about each other. 

Some other articles that I wrote over the years that I really enjoyed writing were A Snapshot of Roberta Pratt, and Hamilton School District Referendum: A Guide for Growth. Both of these articles were different then my Teacher Features. I enjoyed writing the article featuring Roberta, because she does so much work for the Hamilton students and I feel like a feature article was the least I could do to help shed some light on the amazing work she does. I very much enjoyed writing the referendum article because it was such a switch up from my typical articles. It took a lot of work because it was very informative and I didn’t want to get any information wrong. It was also interesting to see what the district has in mind for growing our school community. 

I will greatly miss the Charger Press for all the opportunities it gave me to share my opinions and an outlet for my work. I would like to thank Mrs. Kowalske for the opportunity she gave me freshman year to join the club and then again last year when she asked me to be the Editor in Chief this year. It is truly a debt I will never be able to repay. I will miss being able to share my articles with Charger Press; however, I will not miss saving photos to Keep! Once again thank you Charger Press; it's been a true pleasure.

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