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November’s Teacher of the Month: Señora Feudner

November’s Teacher of the Month: Señora Feudner

Mrs. Feudner is shown here with her family supporting the UW-Wisconsin Badgers. Photo submitted by Kaila Feudner.

Grace Strelow

Mrs. Kaila Feudner is the Charger Press’ November Teacher Feature, and she has been teaching for 23 years total, mostly at Hamilton High School.  Feudner also taught for 8 years at South Milwaukee High School from 1991 to 1999. She has two children, both of whom have graduated from Hamilton.  

Here at HHS, Mrs. Feudner teaches Spanish classes and in her free time she likes to make her way through various countries as she travels around the world. In fact, she has taken multiple students on study-abroad trips to help them experience different places and cultures. Mrs. Sumiec, a fellow Spanish teacher, states, “Señora Feudner loves her students and truly has enjoyed traveling through Spain, Costa Rica, and Guatemala sharing experiences with both students and other teachers!” 

Mrs. Feudner is also a popular colleague in the staff room during lunch.  According to her Communication Arts lunch buddy Mrs. Schneider, “I ate A lunch with Mrs. Fuedner last year first semester and she always had yummy looking meals. She would tell me all the ingredients, the process to cook the meal, how healthy it was, and how much she and her family loved the meal.  Mrs. Fuedner would always say, ‘It's so easy, I'll give you the recipe.’ However.....not one recipe was shared! Just kidding, recipes were shared but not until months later! Thanks for the cooking inspiration, Mrs. Fuedner!”

Ms. Hintyz, a Social Studies colleague and friend, said, “Mrs. Feudner is a fabulous teacher and I'm constantly impressed at her positive attitude, creativity in the classroom and boundless energy in her teaching. I'm honored to call her a colleague and blessed to have her as a friend.”

Ms. Hintyz also insisted on including, “‘The Señora!’  Nobody messes with ‘The Señora!’” 

Read more below to hear from “The Señora” herself:

What would students be surprised to know about you?

I used to figure skate.  I started when I was 4 years old and stopped when I was 17.  I was part of a synchronized skating group and in several shows at my local rink.  I can still do a one footed spin and a few jumps.

How do you think students will remember you or your class?

I would hope that my students would remember my class as a fun place to learn a language.  I hope they walk away wanting to travel and learn more about other cultures, people, and use the language.  I want them to feel like I really cared about them and wanted them to succeed.

Who has most influenced you to become an educator, and how did they influence you?

Two people had a big influence on me becoming a teacher.  My mom was a teacher and I saw every day how much she loved her job.  She really showed me that doing what you love is more important than making a lot of money.  My other influence was my Political Science teacher my senior year.  He was amazing and was so enthusiastic that we all loved learning about different governments.  He was the reason I wanted to be a social studies teacher at first when I decided to become a teacher.

Describe yourself in one sentence?

Caring and loyal but a honey badger if you make me mad :)

What is the best piece of advice you have received?

Be yourself, not popular

How have your previous teachers shaped your teaching style?

Mr. Cooper, my Political Science teacher, taught me that if you show how much you love what you teach, your students will love coming to class.  My mom taught me to remember that every child in your class is someone’s son or daughter and you need to treat them how their parents would want them to be treated.  My cooperating teacher taught me to greet each student every day and learn about what they love or care about to make connections with them.

What fictional character best represents you?

Don Quijote - loves life but is a little crazy

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?  10 years?  20 years?

In 5 years I will be retired and traveling the world.  Same for 10 years.  In 20 years, I will hopefully be surrounded by my grandchildren.

What’s your favorite food?

It is a tie between the fish tacos at Seesters and cheesecake.

Favorite book?

A Thousand Splendid Suns.

Is the glass half full or half empty? Why do you think this?

The glass is half full.  You create your own happiness.  If you believe that things will always be ok, they will.  Things have not always turned out the way I wanted them to in my life, but I have always been able to find something positive in each setback.

What is your favorite TV show? Movie?

TV show is Yellowstone

Movie is Breakfast Club

If you could go on any trip how would you like to get there, boat, plane, train, bus, car, etc? Why?

I would love to go to Italy by plane but I would travel through Italy by train so I could see the countryside and stop at small towns along the way.  The best way to meet the local people is traveling by train in Europe.

How do you balance teaching with your home life?

I try to give 100% of my focus to where I am at the moment.  When I am at school, I focus on doing my job and being there for my students.  When I am home, I give my attention to my family.   Sometimes, this isn’t possible but I have always made a huge effort to be completely present for my family and my students.

What would you say if you met your past self?

Don’t worry so much.  I used to worry about my children, what people thought about me, our house expenses, etc.  I am a worrier.  In the end, it was all wasted energy and didn’t change anything.

What skill would you like to master? Why?

I want to take dance lessons and become a better dancer. 

What do you hope never changes?

My health because I want to travel the world and volunteer for things I am passionate about.

When were you most afraid?

My son got really sick from pneumonia his fFreshman year of college and we weren’t sure he would be ok. I have never been so terrified in my life. A close second would be when I watched Friday the 13th in junior high. I had to check under my bed multiple times a night to be sure no one was under there.

What is a song you will never skip?  

Anything by REO Speedwagon and Dancing Queen by ABBA.

What would you change about Hamilton and why?

I would start the school day later, probably around 9am.  I am not a morning person so this schedule is brutal!!!

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