December Teacher Feature: Mrs. Fields

December Teacher Feature: Mrs. Fields

Photo provided by Mrs. Fields of her and her family.

Grace Strelow

Mrs. Fields is the December teacher of the month; she has been teaching at Hamilton for 7 years. Prior to teaching at Hamilton she also taught at New Berlin West High School for 2 years, along with Mayville Middle School for 1 semester. 

Since being involved in DECA in high school, it has been a big part of her life. Mrs. Fields adds, “I was in DECA in high school and LOVED it! It helped me get out of my shell and get some hands-on experience in business and marketing. After my first few DECA events, I was hooked!” She continues, “When I got into teaching, I knew I would want to continue with DECA and offer the same awesome experiences to my students.”

Being the DECA club advisor at Hamilton High School has proven to be a second job on its own. Many Hamilton students take part in competing, and just being involved in the club. The DECA co-presidents Maddie Gammon and Norah Miller, both seniors, have each had similar experiences with each other and Mrs. Fields. Gammon added, “DECA is a student-run organization that prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality, and management. Being the co-presidents, Norah and I run the majority of the meetings. However, the real mastermind behind DECA is Mrs. Fields. She plans out all the details for our competition, community service events, and meetings. Although it is a student-led organization, Mrs. Fields is always there to help us with any questions, concerns or little details.”

Mrs. Fields has always shown dedication and heart to teaching and leading DECA. Miller added, “I met Mrs. Fields as a freshman who was new to DECA and what it had to offer. I was immediately able to develop a sense of her passion for teaching and developing students’ knowledge in a professional business environment. In Spring of 2019, I had the opportunity to attend DECA State with Mrs. Fields and Mr. Hay. During this time Mrs. Fields was in her 9th month of her pregnancy with her second son, however that did not stop her. She still was present during competition, conferences, and awards for her students.” She continued with a story about Mrs. Fields, “One of my first memories with her occurred when I was in her hotel room during state where she told me about possible officer roles she wanted to see my friend and I in for the future. While all of this was happening, Mrs. Fields was sitting with her huge pregnancy pillow which, as you can imagine, was a fairly humorous and unforgettable scene. I think the main reason that moment stuck with me was because of the fact that although Mrs. Fields was in such a physically demanding state, she was still focusing on what possibilities a club like DECA could hold for a student like me. She has always been able to see the talents each one of her students has to offer and provides them with the ability to put them to use, through DECA and the business classes she teaches.”

Read on to learn more about Mrs. Fields:

What got you interested in teaching? Was this your first choice as a job?

I absolutely love marketing and finance and think that the way companies make decisions and persuade customers is fascinating. I originally thought I wanted to work in marketing, but quickly realized I would rather teach it. 

What's the toughest decision you've ever made?

I haven’t had to make it yet, thankfully – but deciding when it’s time to say goodbye to my dogs. It’s going to wreck me.  

When were you most afraid?

I worked as a bank teller when I was going to college in Whitewater. One night when I was working, a man came in and robbed the bank. It was so crazy! I was in so much shock when it happened, I forgot to push the alarm to let the police know until a few minutes after the robber left! Whoops! 

How do you think students will remember you or your class?

I hope my students will remember my class as fun and interesting, but also challenging. I want my students to feel like they’ve grown from taking my classes and have left my class with skills as well as knowledge.

What is the best advice you have received?

The same advice I always give my students- “work smarter, not harder” and “fake it til’ you make it!”

What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?

Why do some of my students don’t use work time to finish their work? Wouldn’t you rather do school work here than at home?! 

What is your favorite TV show? Movie?

TV Show is a three way tie between Friends, The Office, and Brooklyn 99

Movie - IDK..too hard to choose just one! 

What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you as a teacher?

I was teaching about health insurance and medical trials and accidentally replaced the word placebo with placenta. I rambled on for 5 minutes talking about placenta instead of placebos before someone pointed out my error.

What’s your favorite place on earth? Or where would you most like to go?

I’ve never been but I’d love to go to Ireland.

What’s your favorite food?

Shrimp fajitas w/ jalapeno queso.

Could you see yourself as a middle school or elementary teacher?  Why/why not?

Absolutely not. I taught middle school for a semester and hightailed it out of there. My sarcasm and dry sense of humor is not a great fit for the elementary / middle school crowd. 

What is something you collect?

Monopoly games! I have around 20 different versions of Monopoly (and counting) and have played every single one at least once.

What fictional character best represents you?

Miranda Bailey from Grey’s Anatomy. She’s short, sassy, and organized!

What is your second favorite subject? (besides the one you are teaching now)

Science - I’m not great at it, but I find it so interesting

What book or movie would you recommend to your students?

I love language books. I read one when I first became a mom and it completely changed my thinking. Great read! 

What do you hope never changes?

Diet Coke. It’s perfect just the way it is. 

What weapon would you carry during the Zombie Apocalypse? Who would you team up with and why?

A gun and Captain America.. because let’s be honest, if I’m responsible for keeping myself alive during a Zombie Apocalypse, I’m doomed. I’m hoping an Avenger could pick up the slack.  

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received/given?

A former student gave me a shadow box with pictures, pins, nametags, etc. highlighting her experiences in DECA throughout her high school career. It reminds me of how lucky I am to get to have so many awesome experiences with students outside of the classroom.

What is your favorite Holiday? Why?

Ah, that’s a tough one. I love the 4th of July for the weather, cook outs, and fireworks; but I also love Christmas with the decorations and family time. 

Who has most influenced you to become an educator, and how did they influence you?

My high school accounting teacher was a huge influence on me wanting to be a teacher. She was always there for all her students and it was so obvious that she absolutely loved what she did. She really motivated me and helped me become the teacher I am now.

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