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September’s Teacher Feature: Ms. Wainio

September’s Teacher Feature: Ms. Wainio

Ms. Wainio, pictured above with her daughters and husband. Photo from Ms. Wainio

Grace Strelow

The first feature of the school year goes to Ms. Toni Lynn Wainio, a science teacher and the Science Club and Club Action advisor. She has spent her entire 19 years of teaching at Hamilton. Ms. Wainio is motivated to protect the environment and has a strong passion for teaching science, evident in the clubs she advises. 

Science Club is also advised by Mr. Simays and focuses on “lifelong learning in science through activities, discussions, and guest speakers,” says Wainio. “An example would be from two Hamilton grads‒ one local dentist who talked about his profession, and the other grad showed us around her lab at UW-Milwaukee where she is researching the regeneration of the optic nerve in zebrafish for potential use in humans.” The club meets the first Wednesday of every month during advisement. 

Ms. Wainio also advises Club Action with Mr. Krill. Club Action is a club that has a mission to raise awareness and make a positive change in the world. “We Focus on environmental, human, and animal rights by getting involved within the school and local community, as well as the global scope,” says Wainio. The club has sponsored many fundraisers, for example, supporting sea turtles, freshwater to developing countries, livestock for local communities, and donating to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  The club meets the last Wednesday of every month after school. 

Mr. Krill, who co-advises Club Action, says,“Ms. Wainio is irritatingly committed to the environment. She's authentic inside and outside the doors of Hamilton. She seamlessly blends her science teaching with her work in Club Action and Science Club. I feel smarter being around her and I know that, whatever it is we plan to do, she'll have it ready to go with sign up sheets, dates, and times for kids to begin the work.”

Though Ms. Wainio does a lot for school, she still finds time to spend with her family. She lives with her husband and two daughters in Sussex. One daughter attends Templeton Middle School and her youngest is at Silver Spring Intermediate School.  Wainio says, “Both girls play soccer so we spend a lot of time involved with that, as well as hiking, or rock climbing. We love to travel, especially if the location is famous for geology! Maybe that last one is just me.” 

Read on to hear more from Ms. Wainio:

What is your favorite color? 


What's your favorite song/ artist?

I love anything by Bon Jovi. 

If you had to describe what being in your classroom was like by using a movie title, what would you pick (ex: Vacation, A Walk to Remember, etc.)?

Fight Club-just kidding; Kiss the Ground

Who are your teacher besties?

The Science department is pretty tight, but gotta also give a shout out to Ms. Hinytz, Mrs. Schneider, and Mrs. Feudner.

What’s some advice you would give to your students that has helped you?

When it means something to you, work hard. 

What is your favorite TV show? Movie?

Gladiator and Jurassic Park will always be classics. 

How have your previous teachers shaped your teaching style?

I went into teaching because of my US History teacher, because he created an inviting 

environment, with a lot of sarcasm. And you could always tell he loved what he did. 

What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to?

How do you get all students to complete their work? And, why is it innate for a 12 year 

old to roll their eyes?

If you could get rid of anything, what would it be?

Immediate answer: clowns. The professional answer: environmental degradation. 

When you hear the word “gross” what's the first thing you think of? 


What is something you collect?

Coasters from different establishments of places we have traveled 

If you could meet anyone in history who would it be and why?

Norman Borlaug-he began to engineer crops and did not take a patent for his work so that the seeds could be free for everyone. 

Rachel Carson-wrote Silent Spring, which many say spawned the environmental movement.

 What is your first thought when you wake up? What's your last thought before you go to bed?

Can't wait for my coffee. 

Can't wait for my coffee. 

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy?

A Tesla model 3 and solar panels to charge it. 

What skill would you like to master?

I would love to be fluent in a foriegn language. Or two.

What fictional character best represents you?

Maybe Monica from Friends

If you could go back in time to your childhood, what age would you pick to go back to and why?

If I had to, I would actually do my high school years over. I would like to get more involved in clubs/activities in addition to the sports I played. 

What is your favorite place on Earth?

It's a tie between Capitol Reef National Park in Utah, and Iceland. 

If you could have any superpower what would it be?

Maybe teleportation...seems to make traveling easier, plus it adds a lot of strength in fighting situations

If you could trade classrooms with any teacher at Hamilton, who would it be and why?

Ms. Tinus has a pretty chill classroom, Ms. Hinytz's room always smells good, but us 

Science teachers are spoiled with our space, so I wouldn't trade. 

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