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March Teacher Feature: Ms. Schmidt

March Teacher Feature: Ms. Schmidt

Photo submitted by Ms. Schmidt.

Grace Strelow

This month’s teacher feature is dedicated to Ms. Taylor Schmidt, who has been a teacher for three years. Before teaching she attended UW-Stevens Point and this is her first year at Hamilton, where she is a choir teacher. With only being here for such a short amount of time she sure has made an impact. Senior choir member Shannon O’Dwyer states, “Ms. Schmidt has been incredibly impactful this year; she is sweet, fun, and has fully integrated herself into choir. She has found new ways to challenge our group and bring in fresh ideas."

Music has been a part of Schmidt’s life at least since she was four, which is when she first started playing instruments. She first played the violin, and eventually picked up the piano when she was nine. She states, “I always have enjoyed singing and playing instruments, and was a band and choir kid all throughout middle and high school, and decided that is what I wanted to do as a career as well, so I went to college and got degrees in Choral, Instrumental and General Music Education!” 

Ms. Schmidt has replaced the much-beloved Mrs. Mascitti, who was instrumental in building the choir program at Hamilton. Though Mascitti is missed, Schmidt has brought so much to the music department at HHS. Junior Eliana Mitchell states, “I wouldn't want anyone else to have taken the Hamilton High School choir program under her wing and help us throughout this difficult year. Her dedication to not only continuing the program but building meaningful relationships with her students is beyond admirable and she will continue to be an inspiration to me until I graduate."

O’Dwyer adds, “One thing that I admire about Schmidt is her ability to learn and grow with her students and respect our traditions, while being able to hold her own and bring in new traditions. She is always willing to be helpful and friendly to those who seek advice and she reaches out when needed.” 

Read on to hear Ms. Schmidt’s answers:

Describe yourself in one sentence.

According to a student: “Taylor Swift in disguise”

What's the toughest decision you've ever made?

Picking soloists for various performances. It’s SO HARD when everyone does such a good job!

If you won 100 million dollars what would you buy first?

I would pay back my student loans!

What would students be surprised to know about you?

That I have a horse and drive a truck!

What is the best advice you have ever received?

Fear has two meanings - Forget Everything and Run, or Face Everything And Rise

How have your previous teachers shaped your teaching style?

I have had both really great teachers, and teachers that weren’t effective and personable. Both types have shaped me into the teacher I am. It has shown me what I strive to be, and what I strive to not be.

What fictional character best represents you?

Ducky from Land Before Time.

What’s your favorite place on earth? Why?

I competitively ride horses in the sport of Eventing, so my favorite place on earth is a nice sunny day, riding my horse in a wide open field or trail!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?  10 years?  20 years?

I got engaged this past summer so I see myself married, maybe starting a family and happily have my house with my dog and horse!

If you had to describe what being in your classroom was like by using a movie title, what would you pick (ex: Vacation, A Walk to Remember, etc.)?

High School Musical.

What would you change about Hamilton?

Add a recess, or nap time (depends on the season) 

What skill would you like to master? 

Perfect pitch

What do you hope never changes?

Accessibility to coffee

If you could get rid of anything, what would it be? Why?

Bullying - because it’s bad and mean.

If you could meet anyone in history who would be?

Betty White.

What would you rather do: meet your future self, or go back in time and talk with your past self? Why?

That’s a hard one, I think I’d rather go to my future self, I’m pretty happy with how I turned out so far.

What mystery do you wish you knew the answer to? Why?

How do school buses take up the same space on a road as a car? You can fit three people per seat and there are two seats, plus an aisle, and they supposedly fit on the same lane as a car that has two seats and NO AISLE.

What superpower would you like to have?


Is there anything you wish you would’ve known as a first year teacher?

Teaching elementary students and high school students are quite similar. High schoolers are just (mostly) less germy.

What's your favorite age group to teach (freshman, sophomore, etc.)?

Juniors, but I really do love all of them!

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