March Teacher Feature: Ms. Hinytz
All photos submitted by Ms. Hinytz
Grace Strelow
March’s teacher feature goes to Ms. Lori Hinytz! Before becoming a teacher, Ms. Hintyz grew up in Tosa, where she still lives today. Hintyz attended Carroll College, and adds, “I started out my illustrious career in Waukesha where I’d gone to college, done student teaching, and short and long term subbing stints for about a year. As Waukesha was in a hiring freeze/budget crisis, there were no jobs open, so I applied at HHS. I got an interview at HHS for a part-time position, and after an interesting interview with then principal, Dave Furrer [he was super sick and I gave him pharmaceutical advice (I worked in pharmacy at the time)], and stumping Mr. Pechanach on an interview question… I got an offer to join the ranks of Hamilton.”
Hinytz has long since been a fixture at HHS, well loved by both staff and her students. Currently, Ms. Hinytz has a teaching assistant, Emily Hokanson, who adds, “You will never leave Ms. Hinytz’s room without laughing at least once. There’s no other teacher I’d rather be a TA for; she will forever be one of the best teachers.”
Mr. Pechanach, a fellow teacher here at Hamilton adds, “I have known Ms. Hinytz for a long time. To outsiders, she can come off with a bit of a gruff personality. However, what I learned about her very quickly 20 years ago that's as true today as it was then, it's that she has an absolute heart of gold–she will give you the shirt off her back if you ask for it. In addition, she is a fierce, vocal defender of her students. She builds relationships with kids in this building like nobody else, and will look out for their best interests far beyond her classroom doors and for far longer than the years they spend here at Hamilton.”
Read on to find out more about Ms. Hinytz!
If you could teach any other subject besides what you are teaching now, what would it be and why?
Probably Comm. Arts, as I love reading and literature and it’s what I originally declared as a major, before realizing I’d have to read so.many.essays.
What one thing you couldn’t live without, what is it?
Sarcasm. #mysuperpower
If you could get rid of anything, what would it be? Why?
Poverty. I think it's a travesty that so many people in our community, state, country, and world are without the economic means to provide for themselves. It would do a lot to improve the socioeconomic status and hopefully improve the general well-being, thus creating better lifestyles.
What is one mystery you wish you knew the answer to? Why?
The true origin of the Voynich Manuscript! Who wrote it? Why? Is it a hoax? Or who killed Tupac? Why not…
What is the best advice you have ever received?
Don’t eat yellow snow.
What fictional character best represents you?
In my youth, Scout from To Kill a Mockingbird, and in my adult years Stevie from Schitt’s Creek. In my dotage, likely Blanche from Golden Girls.
What is your favorite type of music to listen to?
I’ll listen to and appreciate almost any genre, but lately I've been loving the Big 80’s, some Yacht Rock, and Classic Rock/Big Hair as well as getting hicked with some country.
Would rather go back 100 years or into the future 100 years, why?
To the past; I’m a history teacher!
If I’m my current age… There are so many things I’d like to see and do as well as people I’d like to talk to as I’ve gained experience and education.
What is your favorite thing about history to teach? How come?
In terms of specific content… WHAM, the industrial revolution as it reshapes the world we live in. For 20th Century, WWI because it reshapes the 20th Century and today.
In general, history is riddled with fun facts, weird and crazy stories.
What’s a surprising fact about you that students don’t know?
I bake treats for the HHS staff every Monday for the staff lounge, and have done so since 2005. I try to do weekly themes!
I’ve traveled to Kazakhstan where I ate horse and drank mare’s milk.
What is your all time favorite movie? Why?
Sound of Music… I used to watch it every year with my mom as it was only on tv once a year. For much of my life, I thought the movie ended when Maria and the Captain got married as that’s when she’d send me to bed as it was getting late and she knew the impending Anschluss would likely upset my budding moral compass.
What’s the funniest or most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you as a teacher?
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many things… not that I can have in print.
What's your favorite age group to teach (freshman, sophomore, etc.)
I’ve taught all high school grade levels and they offer their own rewards and challenges. I’ll say freshmen and sophomores.
If you could change one thing about Hamilton, what would it be and why?
Personally: give me back my daily opportunity to wear jeans.
Professionally: A climate of support and less initiatives; teaching is a very intensive, overwhelming, and demanding job.
Student-centered: Change the structure and layout of the day, add in some fun opportunities within the school day.
Are you a cat or dog person?
All of the above and more… I love animals and if I had the time, space, and money I’d have a wild kingdom in my house and backyard. Ideally, I’d love to have a Leonberger dog, named Arlo.
What is your favorite place to travel to? Why?
Domestically, Ontonagon, Michigan…it’s my mom’s hometown and a hidden jewel along the shores of Lake Superior.
Internationally, can’t go wrong with London or Munich.
Ms. Hintyz in Alaska in 2017.
Where is the coolest place you have ever been? Tell me about it.
I try to appreciate wherever I am and who I’m sharing the experience with… and I’ve been very fortunate to travel domestically and internationally. With that said Turkey was pretty mind-blowing; it’s the crossroads of civilization and includes so many layers of history, culture, and religion. Unlike anywhere I’ve ever been before or since. Food had me fat and sassy!
Ms. Hinytz this past summer in Europe.
If you could meet anyone in history who would be and why?
Dead: Politically, either Queen Elizabeth II or Teddy Roosevelt… both absolute marvels.
Alive: Dolly Parton, I think we’d be down to clown and get into some shenanigans.
What is something you hope never changes?
My ability to forge relationships with my students and colleagues.
Is there anything you wish you would have known as a first time teacher?
That it doesn’t get any easier… it gets different. Also, I’d have kept a journal that I could have morphed into a memoir: You can’t make this —— up! The trials and tribulations of a classroom teacher.