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College Commits: Zamirah Green - Track and Field

College Commits: Zamirah Green - Track and Field

All photos submitted by Green.

Aashi Iyengar

What school are you committed to?

I am committed to West Virginia State University.

What is your intended major?

My intended major is sports marketing.

Who is your biggest inspiration in your sports endeavors or a person you would like to shout out and why?

Someone I want to shout out is my parents for always supporting me and showing me to never give up even when times are tough and I feel unmotivated. They remind me of how far I've gotten.

“Zamirah is one of the most dedicated and hardworking individuals I've ever met when it comes to Track & Field. She’s always putting forth her best effort and willing to do what it takes to be the best athlete. Being able to run with her since freshman year has been a blessing and it’s even how our friendship got started. Ever since then, we’ve gotten to run together on relays and cheer each other on through the good times and challenging times. I’m so glad track brought us together and I'm honored to call her one of my closest friends. West Virginia State is lucky to have Z!”

- Asia Lock, Teammate

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