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College Commits: Julia Bruch - Basketball

College Commits: Julia Bruch - Basketball

Photo by Roberta Pratt

Aashi Iyengar

What school are you committed to?

I am committed to play basketball at UW-Whitewater.

What is your intended major?

As of right now my major is undecided, but I have it narrowed down to either human performance or physical education.

Who is your biggest inspiration in your sports endeavors or a person you would like to shout out and why?

Someone that has helped me throughout my time playing basketball is my high school assistant coach. He is a great coach who has always pushed me to be the best player that I can be. He also motivates me and has taught me so much about the game and helped me grow and improve my skills. He has never given up on me and has always believed in me and my goals, and I couldn’t thank him enough for all that he has done for me!

¨Juila is one of the hardest workers you will ever meet. If there was ever a team bonding or workout she would always be there with a smile on her face. Playing with Julia was one of my highlights playing highschool basketball. I learned so much from her not just skill wise but also how to be a leader and a teammate.¨

— Cameron Dahlquist, teammate

Photo submitted by Bruch.



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