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College Commits: Chloe Cline

College Commits: Chloe Cline

Photo by Roberta Pratt.

Aashi Iyengar

Chloe Cline is a senior on Hamilton’s Soccer Team. She has been a major contributor to their successful seasons for the past four years and is excited to continue her athletic career after high school! 

Gabby Weisgerber, junior, says of Wilson, “Playing with Chloe for the past 3 years has been so much fun and something that I will definitely miss next year! Chloe is someone who will do anything for her team…including putting her body on the line to win every ball! She is one of the fastest and strongest players on the field and someone I look up to on and off the field. She is extremely talented but also someone who values team bonding and connections between players! Ham girls soccer won’t be the same without her!”

Read more to hear about Cline’s future plans.

What school are you committed to? Why this school?

I am committed to University of Illinois at Springfield, and I chose this school because it was close to home and still gave me the opportunity to play soccer at the next level.

What is your intended major?

My intended major is biology on a pre dental track.

What experiences do you feel that you’ve had, whether it be through Hamilton or through any other clubs, that you feel have prepared you for playing a sport in college?

I feel like soccer has given me a lot of opportunities whether that be with coaches, players, or game situations. From those opportunities I have been able to make new friends and branch out. I have also had multiple coaches who have taught me different aspects of the game to prepare me for what is to come.

Who is your biggest inspiration in your sports endeavors or a person you would like to shout out?

My biggest inspiration would be my dad. He has been able to help me achieve my goals, and help me put things into perspective regardless of how I feel.

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