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Charger Press Senior Farewell

Charger Press Senior Farewell

All photos submitted.

Violet Rhoades

As the last days of school this year approach, Charger Press has had one of its most successful years yet, with over 300 articles posted, and a collective 38K reads (up 109% from last year)! Mass amounts of that success have come from the 15 wonderful seniors on our staff, so as a thank you to them, here are some of their favorite memories throughout the years and their plans for the future!

Audrey Davies: Copy Editor

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

 I joined junior year to get extra credit in AP Lang.

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

"Investing in Your Future" is my favorite!

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

The one Bronwyn wrote about the locker rooms. I think it’s important to bring awareness to social inequalities in high school.

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

It is a good way to write about things that are important to you. I liked writing about things I’m interested in and talking about issues I am invested in.

5) Plans for next year? 

I am going to Indiana University and majoring in finance. I am hoping to go into investment banking.

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

Don’t be discouraged if you can’t think of things to write about–you can literally write about anything! Also, you can write as much or as little as you’d like and it is a good way to get more involved in school.

Bella Orozco: Staff Writer 

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

I was forced to join Charger Press this year lol. It was payment for always being in Kowalske’s room without ever having her as a teacher.

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

I have written four articles and might have another one in the works, I’m not sure yet. I think my favorite article of mine is “Late Start Wednesdays: A Love Letter.” It was my first piece and I think it’s a little bit funny.

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

I think one of my favorite articles might be “Midwest Ghost Stories: Supernatural or Superstitious” by Sage Osesek or "Mary Anning: Mother of Dinosaurs" by Peyton Impola. There is such a variety of content I couldn’t just choose one. Both are informative and good reads.

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

There were a lot of times I didn’t like writing because I was so busy this year, but at the end of the day, it was really satisfying to finish and  put out a piece for other people to read (or not).

5) Plans for next year? 

Next year I will be attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison, roll badge! I will be majoring in electrical engineering and minoring in Spanish.

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

I guess my advice would be to keep writing. If you have free time, write an article. It’s good practice, looks great on college applications and allows you to essentially talk about whatever you want whether or not you have an audience. Real fun stuff.

Bronwyn Rhoades: Staff Writer

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

My older sister introduced me to Charger Press when I was a freshman, but I didn’t join until I was online my sophomore year. I joined because my favorite movie is about a 15 year old who writes for a newspaper, so it made me want to write for my newspaper too.

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

I’ve written 9, my favorite of which is probably "The Locker Room Issue," because I feel like it sparked conversation about an issue I was passionate about.

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

I loved Srikar’s NFL predictions, but mostly because I made fun of him when he predicted the Bills would lose.

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

I liked being part of a smaller community of Charger Press writers within HHS, where we could ask for help writing an article, or ideas for new articles. 

5) Plans for next year? 

I will be going to Georgetown University next year to study political economy.

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

Don’t hesitate to let Charger Press work around your school schedule. Also, don’t take on things you can’t handle. It’s important to find that balance between school and writing.

Ella Hutton: Staff Writer 

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

I joined Charger Press my senior year. I realized in my first semester I had a lot easier classes and more free time, and I knew writing for Charger Press would be a way to keep me productive. You also have a lot of creative freedom on what you want to write about, which was appealing to me. 

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

I have written four articles. I think my favorites to write were "Gen Z's Take on Fashion Trends" and "Choosing a College: Underclassmen Edition." They were both opinion/lifestyle pieces, which are more fun for me to write. I have written another piece that involves politics and one that is informative, but there is less creative freedom in writing types of articles like that.

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

There are none specific, but I like articles that share news about the school. I can learn news from around the world/country from anywhere, but I like how Charger Press is an option for students to write about issues they experience here at HHS, but also shoutout teachers and athletes.

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

 I liked how lenient the editors were. You didn't really feel rushed to finish things by deadlines (unless a weekly/monthly post) and the editors gave great criticism. I didn't write that many articles, but I feel like I have gained some writing skills.

5) Plans for next year? 

I plan on going to UW-Milwaukee to study Global Studies. I am not sure about future career plans because I am so young and don't want to make official decisions.

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

Don't stress about Charger Press. It is a commitment but it's also fine if school, sports, your social life gets in the way. I would recommend putting effort towards your work, however. You have plenty of chances to be recognized for your work and can be the result of change within this community. 

Ella Packer: Staff Writer

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

 I joined my junior year. I joined because I love sharing my opinions and ideas through writing. 

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

 I have written 5 articles and my favorite one is "Mental Health: Does it Matter?"

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

“Racism at Hamilton: The Voices of our Halls – this was a hard hitting piece that was extremely meaningful and had the impact in getting people to talk.

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

 I love to share my ideas and opinions. 

5) Plans for next year? College? Intended major or career goals?

I plan on going to Minnesota Twin Cities, or UW-La Crosse to major in psychology and become an adolescent psychiatrist. 

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

 Make your articles interesting, have fun with them. Write things that interest you, and don't be scared to make some noise; talk about things people aren't willing to talk about. 

Emily Hokanson: Staff Writer

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

I initially joined Charger Press to earn extra credit for Mrs. Kowalske's AP Language class, but I continued writing for the Charger Press because I could write articles on topics I was interested in. I joined during my junior year.

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

 I've written 8 articles and I think my favorite article is "Did Rihanna Just Contradict Herself?"

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

Brownwyn's Locker Room article was my favorite because it brought something to light that needed to be discussed and the way she wrote the article made it an interesting read. 

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

I liked that it gave me a voice whether it was to talk about comedy, advertise a club, or give my advice to others. 

5) Plans for next year? College? Intended major or career goals?

I will be majoring in Animal Science at UW-Madison working towards becoming a Veterinarian in the next few years.

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

Just do it. You won't regret it. 

Grace Strelow: Editor-in-Chief

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

I joined the Charger Press because I always liked writing in middle school. When I had Mrs. Kowalske my freshman year, she highly encouraged me to join, and I did. The rest is history.

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

As of now I have 37 published articles; my favorites are the staff and teacher features. I hope this gives HHS staff and students the opportunity to learn about everyone at Hamilton. I also wanted to shed light on all the work the HHS staff puts in for us students. Also, because they were fun to write; I loved learning about the staff here at HHS and in a way it gave me many connections through the school that I greatly appreciate. However, if I had to pick a favorite it would be Mr. Holloway’s or Mrs. Fields’ features; they were super funny, and great people to collaborate with!

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

It’s hard for me to pick just one article because there are so many about many different topics. I really like the articles about sports at Hamilton or the  MLB and NBA updates. These articles have so much heart and work put into them. I think they are super fun to read and very informative.

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

I liked the freedom we had as writers. I was able to write literally anything I wanted with encouragement and support along the way. I liked that it opened me up into a new perspective of writing.

5) Plans for next year? College? Intended major or career goals?

I’m headed to UW-La Crosse; as of now I don’t have a declared major but am looking into business or education, hopefully with a French minor. I love traveling so hopefully I can find a job that allows that!

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

Don’t be afraid to write about anything you want. This is a creative outlet that supports its writers through and through. Also don’t be afraid to ask Mrs. Kowalske or other writers for ideas/ inspiration. There are so many things to write about. Find something YOU are passionate about and roll with it. It can literally be anything. I know that’s very open ended and not helpful, but that’s why it’s the best advice. It lets you find your path in writing and lets you be creative in your own way.

Jarrett Borkwski: Staff Writer

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

I was at first drawn in by Kowalske during my senior year to write just one article, but fell in love and have kept going.

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

I've written 14 so far in my one year of work, and my favorite would probably have to be "A 45 Year Winter."

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

It has to be "The Locker Room Issue."

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

It allows me to put down my thoughts and take on current issues in the world, as well as express my views on past events.

5) Plans for next year?

I plan on attending UW-Milwaukee for a degree in political science with an emphasis in law studies.

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

I guess my best word of advice would be to join before it is too late. I'm disappointed I didn't come around until my senior year. Charger Press has been one of my favorite things in high school. 

Jasleen Kaur: Editor-in-Chief

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

I joined Charger Press during my junior year of high school. Honestly, I initially just joined it because I published an article for extra credit for AP Lang at the time. Then, Kowalske kept pushing me to join, and I realized I really did enjoy writing these social awareness and justice-based articles, so I just kind of kept going. It was the best choice I could've ever made. 

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

I've written 16 articles. My favorite has to be "History’s Darkest Days: The Sikh Genocide of 1984." This was the first article I wrote where I talked about a historical awareness-based topic. Religion has always played a large role in my life; as a member of the Sikh faith, I have always had to make others aware of the fact that Sikhism exists, even though it is the fifth-largest religion in the world. A significant part of our history that is heavily glossed over or misconstrued is the Sikh genocide of India that happened in 1984, not that long ago. My parents were 14 years old and had to watch this horrific event play out right in front of their eyes. Nearly every Sikh family has a 1984 story, it shook the community to its core. The government attempted to eradicate the people they were supposed to protect, yet barely anyone outside of India knows about it. That is why this is my favorite article I wrote; it was the first time I felt like I could spread awareness on a historic event that needs to be known. People came up to me after and asked me about the topic; I got people to recognize that the Sikh genocide of 1984 occurred. I was able to make an impact.

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

My favorite article on Charger Press that I did not write would have to be "Bleed Eco-Friendly" by Peyton Impola. I feel like period stigma is a very real thing. I loved this article because it broke that barrier of what we "should" talk about. This article not only gave eco-friendly alternatives to certain menstrual products but, overall, opened the conversation. Periods are normal and natural, they need to be talked about more. 

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

I definitely have a lot to say for this one, but I will try to keep it short and sweet. I really loved being able to feel heard and having a way to get all my thoughts out to the school community. Charger Press is one of the only outlets we have at Hamilton to truly be able to get your opinion out; it was a way for me to talk about what I cared about. Kowalske also played a key role in my continuing writing; she made me love writing more than anything else I have ever done. Having an encouraging advisor that engages in inquisitive conversation is essential to creating a welcoming and academically rigorous environment, and this is exactly what Kowalske did for me; she made me feel like writing could be a safe space and like what I write about matters. This led me to believe and see that my words carry an impact and can make a change. 

5) Plans for next year? College? Intended major or career goals?

I am attending Marquette University next year as a political science major. I was accepted into the Pre-Law Scholar Program, so this will allow me to accelerate my path to becoming a lawyer.  

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

As editor-in-chief, I was able to edit 150 articles and read all of your insights on a variety of topics. I have absolutely loved being able to connect with each and every one of you through your work. I constantly see new techniques and unique writing styles that inspire me to try something new within my own writing. I am not going to sit here and write this as if I am the best writer in the world who only helps others to grow. The truth is that as an editor and writer, I have learned more from all of you and Kowalske than I could’ve ever imagined. The Charger Press team constantly pushed me to further my abilities and I can only hope that I have done the same for each of you. You are all extremely talented and motivated and I can't wait to see your writing progress. What you have to say matters; if you start the conversation, you will get people to listen. 

Josh Xue: Staff Writer 

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

I joined Charger Press this year so that I could collaborate with my friends on writing sports articles. 

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

I don’t remember the number of articles I've written but my favorite was the World Cup Preview.

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

My favorite article on Charger Press would have to be the Premier League updates with Rajkumar Ramanathan. He does a really great job of giving his viewers a deep insight of the English football league.

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

Probably working with other writers on topics I enjoy talking about.

5) Plans for next year?

I will be majoring in Health Sciences on the Pre-med track  at the University of Miami. 

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

My advice for future Charger Press writers would be to write about the things you enjoy such as sports or hobbies.

Julia Igl: Staff Writer

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

I joined Charger Press as a junior. I was looking for more extracurricular activities, but very few of them really interested me. I love how Charger Press is really whatever you make of it. You can write as much as you want, and about whatever you want, and Mrs. Kowalske is always so open to new ideas. I don't think I've ever heard her turn down an article idea.

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

I have written 12 articles (I think). My favorite article I've ever written was the one about Shein. It was a great experience to be able to write about something that mattered to me, and hopefully educate a few people about the dangers of fast fashion.

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

My favorite article has to be Bronwyn's locker room article! It was so rewarding to see Charger Press be a part of something that sparked change at our school, and to see someone take a stand against an injustice that was going ignored. Even if the administration hasn't really done anything, her article definitely got people talking. Unless more people start to care and talk about the issues at our school, nothing will change.

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

I liked how Charger Press offered an outlet for everyone to be able to learn and write about things they are interested in. Without the school newspaper, we really wouldn't have the chance to work on this kind of writing in our classes.

5) Plans for next year?

Next year I am planning on attending UW-Green Bay, and majoring in English.

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

I would advise future Charger Press writers to be as involved as they can. I wish I had written so many more articles than I did! I would also advise them not to be afraid to write articles about their interests or worry about their writing skills.

Peyton Impola: Instagram Manager & Staff Writer

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

I joined Charger Press last year— my junior year— mostly due to being in Mrs. Kowalske’s AP Lang class. I had always wanted to join the club, but was intimidated for some reason, and wasn’t brave enough to join sooner.

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

So far I have written 25 pieces. My favorite is probably my feminist feature on Mary Anning. It was such a fun piece to write because I love my feminist column, but it was also fun to cross over into one of my interests from my childhood (dinosaurs haha). It was really sweet to be able to write a feature on somebody that I idolized when I was a little kid.

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

My favorite article is for sure "The Locker Room Issue" by Bronwyn Rhoades. Not only was it such an important piece to write, but it was empowering to see the girls of the school come together and push back against sexism in our community. I think that article is probably one of the most important ones Charger Press has ever published.

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

I loved the creative freedom that Mrs. Kowalske gifted us. I felt that no matter what article came to my mind, she was eager and excited to see it come to fruition. I was able to channel my creativity into pieces I was passionate about, which I think is extremely important when it comes to producing quality journalism. 

5) Plans for next year? College? Intended major or career goals?

Next year I am headed to UW-Madison, double majoring in History and Spanish. As for career plans, I hope to one day become an immigration lawyer! 

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

Don’t be afraid to write bold pieces. It may seem scary, but I promise you it’s worth it. Some of my favorite pieces I have ever published are ones that pushed me outside of my comfort zone. Don’t try to make your piece more “palatable” because you are scared of how others will react. Important news and topics deserve to receive coverage, no matter how scary that may seem. 

Rachel Rank: Staff Writer

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

I wanted to join Charger Press ever since I was an underclassman, I always wanted to be a part of the newspaper at school and write about my fellow classmates. Another huge part of why I joined was the sense of community that the club had to offer, everyone seemed close and willing to help edit each other's articles. Oh, also Mrs. Kowlaske slightly threatened everyone to join the Charger Press in her AP Lang class. 

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

I have written 3 articles about high school athletes in my senior year. I really enjoyed taking the role of writing about high school athletes who demonstrated good teamwork and hard work. I also liked the idea of giving sports some starlight who don't typically get recognised like rugby and figure skating. My favorite article I wrote was the one about Grace Strelow. She is one of my good friends and I liked hyping her up and giving her the recognition she deserves. We are also on the same rugby team so it was cool to draw attention to our sport and show students at Hamilton that Grace Strelow is one of the best players. 

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

My all-time favorite article was Bronwyn's locker room article that stirred up some controversy within school grounds. It needed to be said and I couldn't choose a better person to fully touch on the subject as a whole and draw attention to real problems women at this "equal" school face. 

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

My favorite part was parents thanking me and complimenting my work, either in person or over email. After writing for Grace Strelow, the parents of the rugby players came up to me and told me it was very well-written. Additionally, someone's grandmother sent me a wonderful email thanking me for writing about her granddaughter and thanked me. That was so sweet. 

5) Plans for next year? College? Intended major or career goals?

I plan on going to the University of La Crosse and major in education with a minor in Spanish and history. My end goal in life is to be a principal or even college professor one day! 

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

Stop being afraid of joining a club or getting your name out there published. Get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself!

Rishi Kothinti: Staff Writer

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

 I joined earlier this year because I really love Ms. Kowalske as a teacher and she suggested it. I also wanted to get into sports writing and media and believed this was a good place to start.

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

Two articles and my favorite is definitely my “CJ Stroud Scouting Report."

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

The DECA ICDC article that just dropped. I like it because there is a big a** picture of me on the front. 

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

 I liked how easy it was to get started and how great everyone worked together.

5) Plans for next year? College? Intended major or career goals?

I am committed to go to The Ohio State University for Electrical/Computer engineering and hope to start a tech business one day.

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

Stay on Kowalske’s good side and go Buckeyes!

Srikar Kalapala: Sports Editor

1) Why did you join Charger Press, and what year did you join?

I joined Charger Press in my junior year because I thought it would be fun to explore a pathway that Charger Press rarely explored before, which was articles about professional sports.

2) How many articles have you written, and which of those is your favorite?

This question made me go to the website because I've honestly lost count! Looking at the website, it looks like I've written 27, with 3 more probably coming before the end of the year. Picking a favorite out of all of these is really hard, but I think if I had to choose my top contenders, they would be the Super Bowl Previews from both this year and last year. But I also loved writing my predictions because of all the people that would come up to me to discuss them.

3) What was your favorite article on Charger Press that you did not write yourself and why?

Tough question because of all the great articles written in the past two years, but I will say my favorite article written quite recently actually has been "The Weight of a Flawed System" by Tyler Canham. If I had to pick a favorite sports article, it would be "Heartbreak in Titletown" by Aayush Iyengar. Both of these pieces were great literary works!

4) What did you like best about writing for the school paper?

For me, I joined because writing articles for the Press was a very flexible extracurricular where I could write whenever I wanted, and allowed me to share some of my sports passions through the school newspaper. I also enjoyed getting to know so many people through the club that I otherwise would not have met.

5) Plans for next year? College? Intended major or career goals?

Next year, I will be attending University of Wisconsin-Madison and will be majoring in Finance.

6) Any last words or advice for future Charger Press writers?

Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things. That's what I did when I first asked Mrs. Kowalske about writing sports articles, and it ended up becoming an enjoyable pastime for me, and I even became the Sports Editor this year. I'd like to say that I have become a better sports writer through my last two years, and all of that has come through my experiences at the Charger Press.

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