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A Winning Tradition: Winclusion Wednesday

A Winning Tradition: Winclusion Wednesday

Photo from Pexels by Katie Rainbow.

Bronwyn Rhoades

Every year, after the exam is over and students can finally exhale, AP Language and Composition students are assigned the “service project.” True to its name, students are tasked with designing and executing a project that contributes to society in a positive manner. In 2022, one group of students decided to use this opportunity to make Hamilton a more inclusive environment through a program called “Winclusion Wednesday.”

Hamilton Administration implemented the practice of late start Wednesday this year, with classes beginning at 8:02 rather than the normal 7:20. Students with cars relish this extra 42 minutes of time to sleep, eat, or do whatever they please. For students with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDD), however, Wednesdays are relatively typical. These students must arrive at the same time as they usually do, leaving them with 42 minutes of school time that most students spend outside of HHS.

Because of this, seniors Peyton Impola and Audrey Davies chose to design their service project around promoting inclusion at Hamilton. Through Winclusion Wednesday, students and clubs may sign up to come in at 7:20 on Wednesday mornings to spend time with the students with IDDs. Many of these Wednesdays are spent playing board games, talking to students, or completing other activities.

Davies, when asked why her and Impola decided to start Winclusion Wednesdays expresses, “Peyton and I wanted to make Hamilton a more inclusive environment in a fun way, so we came up with the idea of Winclusion Wednesday!”

On the motivation and intention of the club, Impola states, “Audrey and I wanted to bridge a gap that we saw within our school. While HHS certainly was not the worst environment in terms of inclusion, it still had some shortcomings. We came up with Winclusion Wednesday with the help of Best Buddies, and I think that it has done a lot to create real friendships at our school, and to make a more inclusive environment overall.”

Best Buddies is a club which is “dedicated to ending the social, physical and economic isolation of the 200 million people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).” Students participate in Best Buddies in order to promote inclusion and end the isolation of students with IDDs. Winclusion Wednesday helps extend the reach of these ideals for those who may not be direct participants in Best Buddies.

Among the most active participants in the program is Club Action, with regular volunteers organizing themed days with the students with IDDs.

Hamilton senior Grace Farrell details, “Winclusion has given me the opportunity to build relationships with students and create engaging activities. From painting rocks to playing bingo, Winclusion has allowed me to spend time with students who I don't normally interact with, contributing to a better and more inclusive school environment. Coming in on Wednesdays has positively impacted my ability to lead projects/activities, communicate with fellow peers, and build a stronger community here at Hamilton.”

Meghan Rank, a senior at Hamilton, explains that Winclusion Wednesday has helped her life become more inclusive. “Winclusion was the first time that I have worked with students with disabilities, and it has made me a more inclusive person. I surrounded myself with a different group of individuals, and I quickly realized how fulfilling and rewarding Winclusion is. It was amazing to see how quickly these students would buy into the activities and how engaged they were. I was able to make connections with people who I never thought to make connections with in the past.”

Ronny Rudinger, a senior participant, claims Winclusion Wednesday helped her stay connected to friends. “I was in PC with a student named Ethan and now that PC is over, being able to catch up during Winclusion is so nice. I really loved the opportunity to hang out with everyone and I hope Club Action continues on with going next year!”

During the school year, Winclusion Wednesday is constantly searching for new people and groups that share the ideals of inclusion embedded in the program. Every student can play a part in the push to make our community a better place in and outside of the classroom. For those who need help finding opportunities to do so, Winclusion Wednesday is the perfect place to begin a journey towards a more inclusive environment for all students.

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