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A Beginner's Guide to Astrology: Moon Signs

A Beginner's Guide to Astrology: Moon Signs

Photo from Canva

Emma Hartman and Nikki Nair

In the first part of this series, we talked about sun signs. If you’re interested in those, make sure to check that out first!

What are moon signs?

Moon signs govern the mind; they form your emotions, character, and soul. The moon is believed to reflect your deepest desires and needs, since it represents your unconscious. Moon signs show your instincts and intuition, so it is likely that your moon sign describes your inner, natural personality that you express where you feel most comfortable. Because of this, many astrologers believe that moon signs show how a person instinctively responds to situations. Many people consider moon signs to be more relatable and accurate than sun signs, since the moon controls your innate, true identity. 

Moon signs are determined based on where the moon was when you were born. It actually moves into a different sign cycle every 2-3 days, so two people with the same sun sign can have drastically different moon signs. 

In other words: Just as the Moon circles the Sun in a symbolically protective manner and reflects the Sun’s light, the Moon in our chart shows how we protect ourselves as well as make ourselves feel secure, comfortable and safe.

 In this article, we’ll be looking at moon signs, so use the chart to identify your moon sign, and then read on to see what your moon sign says about you! You can regenerate your chart here:

♈ Aries

People with Moon in Aries tend to be impatient. They don’t like waiting for things to happen, and would rather live in the moment and act spontaneously. Because of this, Lunar Aries people don’t usually focus on the long-term or spend a lot of time dwelling on things. They are passionate and sometimes defensive, preferring to deal with any personal problems immediately so that they can move on. Lunar Aries are independent and confident, and they tend to enjoy situations that are full of drama and trouble rather than peace.

♉ Taurus

Stability and familiarity are very important to people with Moon in Taurus. These people like to stick to their ways and avoid situations that are unpredictable or emotional. They like to have reliability and security in their lives, so they don’t like it when routines are disturbed. Lunar Tauruses are also very loyal and romantic. They are good at protecting themselves and their interests, and they come across as calm and steady.

♊ Gemini

People with Moon in Gemini are charming, interesting, and very curious people. They can be nervous people, so they tend to require a lot of stimulation and socialization. Lunar Geminis don’t like routines, but enjoy reorganizing. They are sometimes unsettled and have many ongoing projects at once. Lunar Geminis have powerful imaginations, love new ideas, and often find themselves wanting to do everything. 

♋ Cancer

Moon in Cancer people have a very strong memory and attachment to the past. They are good at sensing the feelings of others. Lunar Cancers like to stay attached to familiar things such as their home and loved ones. They like peace and safety, and typically don’t like to confront people directly. While sometimes moody, Lunar Cancers have a great sense of humor and will usually feel happy as long as they are secure. They are dependable and will always protect the people they love. 

♌ Leo

People with Moon in Leo tend to be proud and reluctant to follow orders from others- it is hard to change a Lunar Leo’s mind. These people tend to need a lot of love and attention from others, and like to be in the spotlight when they are with friends and family. They like amusing others, and may also find themselves trying to control others. Lunar Leos like to be in charge of what happens in their families and friend groups. Additionally, these people like to be creative and entertaining. People with Moon in Leo are known to treat others with fairness. 

♍ Virgo

People with Moon in Virgo are usually the first people to help others out. They always like to make sure their everyday tasks are complete, and they appreciate feeling needed. Lunar Virgos value simplicity and a “normal” life. They do not like attention and are sometimes overwhelmed with stress. Lunar Virgos are practical, typically shy, and not big on showy, emotional displays. These people tend to be happiest within their own small world when they always have tasks to do, as long as these tasks are manageable. Lunar Virgos don’t require a lot to be happy, leading them to live simple and practical lives. 

♎ Libra

People with Moon in Libra have a strong desire for partnership.  They are often quite charming and enjoy socializing, so finding companions is not too difficult for them. Having someone to share their lives with makes them feel safe, secure, and complete. They are sympathetic people who value harmony, peace, and mental connections in their relationships. If there is a flaw in any relationship of theirs, it will bother them until it is fixed. This perfectionist attitude often works directly against their love of harmony, and Lunar Librans experience discontent when they cannot make them work together. 

♏ Scorpio

People with Moon in Scorpio seek out emotional intensity. This is fitting, because they are often incredibly intense people themselves. They are unafraid of transformation, honesty, and starting over, which can cause lots of emotional drama in their lives. Lunar Scorpios want all or nothing in their relationships, but self-awareness and acceptance can help them balance their emotions. Because of a strong need for emotional connections, Lunar Scorpios are extremely afraid of betrayal. They “test” their loved ones, and those who pass experience the full extent of a Lunar Scorpio’s loyalty and love.

♐ Sagittarius

People with Moon in Sagittarius value personal freedom and space. If they don’t feel caged in, they are happy and easy going people. Lunar Sagittarians need activity; meeting people, traveling, and new experiences are all very important to them. They are helpful and optimistic teachers. They appreciate changes in scenery, friendly competition, and dynamic sources of inspiration. They can be considered flighty because of their free-spirited nature and aversion to routines and planning. And, when the going gets tough, Lunar Sagittarians tend to run away from their problems. They’ll be back, but only after refreshing their energy and spirit.

♑ Capricorn

People with Moon in Capricorn value productivity and usefulness. They keep their emotions in check and come across as cool-headed, steady, and reliable. Lunar Capricorns set clear boundaries, avoid risks, search for security, and plan for the future. They can be hard on themselves and would benefit from letting their guard down once in a while. Emotions are often frightening and embarrassing to a Lunar Capricorn, so they hide them away from others. Feeling powerful and respected is their greatest desire.

♒ Aquarius

People with Moon in Aquarius are very observant. As a child, they always felt different from others, so they spent most of their time analyzing and understanding people through detached observation. They tend to avoid “messy” emotions. They value independence so much that they can come across as insensitive in close relationships, especially when their ego is bruised. They expect others to accept them as they are and do not tolerate anyone who wastes their time. Lunar Aquarians are unconventional, stubborn, and interesting thinkers who view the world very differently than the other signs.

♓ Pisces

People with Moon in Pisces often find themselves daydreaming or out of touch with reality. They have a strong sense of intuition that guides them throughout life, along with a silly sense of humor and a soft-hearted, compassionate nature. Unfortunately, their compassion often leads to personal sadness as they get wrapped up in the suffering of others. Lunar Pisceans value creativity and artistic pursuits. They value open-mindedness and tolerance, and they long to express themselves to the world. They hold their beliefs with much conviction and often take leaps of faith based on how they feel. 

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