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Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope

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Nikki Nair

♈Aries: March 21- April 19

Aries, you may need to lean on your loved ones this week. You have so much drive, and usually you can make leaps and bounds on nothing but your own motivation, but it’s okay to ask for help. Try reaching out and collaborating with others this week. 

♉Taurus: April 20- May 20

Taurus, you may need to embrace your ability to choose this week. You are known for your loyalty and stubbornness, but you are allowed to change your mind. This is your life. You will make the best of whatever happens, so this week may be a good time to rethink some of your commitments.

♊Gemini: May 21- June 20

Gemini, you may need to reconnect with your strengths this week. You may have felt directionless due to a desire to do everything, but you don’t have to do that. There are other people in your life that can help you. This week, refocus on what you are good at, and what you actually want to do, so you can clean out the clutter in your life.

♋Cancer: June 21- July 22

Cancer, you may need to release some internalized shame this week. Your emotions weigh heavily on you, so it can be hard for you to forgive yourself for past mistakes. You must learn to leave the past in the past. Allow room for new memories, and you will find real happiness.

♌Leo: July 23- August 22

Leo, you may need to practice the art of sharing this week. You are not a loner, in fact, sharing the good things in your life with others often enhances the experience for you. This is a great week to increase your social interactions through sharing emotions, experiences, advice, and kindness. 

♍Virgo: August 23- September 22

Virgo, you may need to become more comfortable with surprises this week. You like having control over your surroundings, but you know that you will never have as much control as you want. This is not a bad thing. Allow life to take the reins this week, and you may find that surprises can make you happier than control ever could.

♎Libra: September 23- October 22

Libra, you may need to abandon planning this week. You may feel recharged; your imagination may be pulling you out of a rut, and you can harness this energy however you would like. You probably don’t have a plan, and that’s okay. As long as you keep pushing forward, you will end up exactly where you need to be.

♏Scorpio: October 23- November 21

Scorpio, you may need to remember the beauty of imperfection this week. In today’s world, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the idea of perfection, especially when it comes to work. However, some of your clearest thoughts and ideas will be born from imperfection. Be patient with yourself this week, and you may discover some wonderfully new things.

♐Sagittarius: November 22- December 21

Sagittarius, you may need to take a closer look at life this week. It’s easy to underappreciate life’s small moments, but these moments are where the most magic happens. Even when you feel disconnected from the bigger picture, take some time this week to observe the beauty that’s all around you.

♑Capricorn: December 22- January 19

Capricorn, you may need to take a breather this week. You are a workaholic, through and through, but it’s important to remember that you are on this earth for more than just work. You are allowed to take time for yourself, laugh with your friends, and indulge in your hobbies. And often, you’ll find that these breaks make you a more productive person overall.

♒Aquarius: January 20- February 18

Aquarius, you may need to look at yourself a little differently this week. You enjoy analytical thinking, but too often, this type of thinking is turned inwards as nitpicking. This week, take some time to value yourself more than your thoughts, and appreciate your inner beauty.

♓Pisces: February 19- March 20

Pisces, you may need to take a step back this week. Strong negative feelings tend to overwhelm you, and you can release some of this burden by focusing on other things in your life. You don’t always have to understand your own emotions and take on the emotional burden of fixing them right away. Just let the feelings ride this week.


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