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Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope

Design by Cora Kuhlenbeck

Nikki Nair

♈Aries: March 21- April 19

Aries, you may feel misunderstood this week. You may feel that others don’t understand you, even though you live your life as honestly as possible. This isn’t your fault; your actions will speak for themselves, but you may need to put a bit more intentional effort. This week, you need to be clear and intentional in your representation of yourself.

♉Taurus: April 20- May 20

Taurus, you may find yourself losing hope in the world. Living sometimes seems like an impossible task; there is always something out of your control. Lately, you’ve been feeling like there’s no path forward. This week, you need to remind yourself that there is always a path forward. As long as you look for the wild, bright opportunities in life and keep pushing, you will find hope and success.

♊Gemini: May 21- June 20

Gemini, you may feel like your hard work has amounted to nothing. This isn’t true, it’s just hard to track nonlinear growth. Don’t give up. This week, you’ll have the chance to feel like you’re actually getting somewhere. You’ll see that your stubborn refusal to stop trying has worked magic, after all. 

♋Cancer: June 21- July 22

Cancer, you may be feeling indecisive lately. Like you’re one step away from a big mistake, so your answer has been to minimize decision-making entirely. While this is the safe option, it’s not the best one. Making the wrong decision is still better than making no decisions, so hold on to your courage this week.

♌Leo: July 23- August 22

Leo, you may feel like you’re always ready for a fight. It may feel rewarding to fight with people that have harmed you or stand up for yourself and your loved ones, but you don’t have to do that all the time. If you feel too tired to keep fighting, that doesn’t mean you have to give up. This week, you can redirect your energy to helping yourself and your loved ones rather than defending them.

♍Virgo: August 23- September 22

Virgo, you may be feeling reluctant to put in effort this week. With your own life being as busy as it is, you may feel hesitant to put energy into others. This week, however, that’s exactly what you need to do. Showing up for other people isn’t just about giving; it’s also about renewing your own energy. Put in the effort for others, and you will find rewards in your own life.

♎Libra: September 23- October 22

Libra, you may feel underestimated this week. The people in your life may underestimate your resiliency, but just because they are vocal in their opinions does not make them right. You don’t need to blindly trust others. You should listen to them, but always trust yourself. You know yourself better than anyone else, and this week, you should lean on this knowledge.

♏Scorpio: October 23- November 21

Scorpio, you may be feeling overburdened this week. People come to you with their secrets, and while you love helping them out, it can be too much sometimes. You should keep listening to others, but you should also know your own limits and set your own boundaries. It isn’t your job to emotionally hand-hold every person in your life, and this week, make sure your loved ones know this as well.

♐Sagittarius: November 22- December 21

Sagittarius, you may be feeling cut off from others. You have always been adept at expressing your feelings, but you have to remember that everyone is not like this. Just because your loved ones aren’t as expressive does not mean that they don’t care about you. This week, trust that you aren’t alone in your feelings, even if it may seem like it.

♑Capricorn: December 22- January 19

Capricorn, you may be feeling annoyed at your curiosity. It’s a powerful thing, and you often feel like it distracts you from your purpose. This isn’t true; your curiosity is one of your strongest qualities. This week, think of your curiosity as a well-balanced tool, and use it as a weapon against any obstacles that stand in your way.

♒Aquarius: January 20- February 18

Aquarius, you may be feeling like the world has no magic. The physical world is full of tedium and suffering, but there is also so much beauty and mystery around every corner. There’s magic right here on the ground. Engaging with the world this week may be painful, but it may also sharpen your mind and teach you to think in fresh, electric ways again.

♓Pisces: February 19- March 20

Pisces, you may be feeling hesitant to dream. After all, what good is dreaming when your dreams never come true? Just because some of your past dreams haven’t come to fruition doesn’t mean that any future ones won’t. You are worthy of happiness, and you deserve to assert your desires. Believe that a better world, a world where your dreams are realized, is possible, and this week, allow yourself to dream of new possibilities.

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