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A Beginner's Guide To Astrology: Sun Signs

A Beginner's Guide To Astrology: Sun Signs

Design by Cora Kuhlenbeck

Nikki Nair & Emma Hartman

What is astrology?

Astrology is the study of planetary bodies and their effects on our personalities and day-to-day lives. Astrologers use planetary alignments to create birth charts, and we can use these birth charts to learn more about ourselves. The main influence of your birth chart is your sun sign, which is determined by your birthdate.

What are sun signs?

Your sun sign dictates much of your personality and identity. It describes how you experience life and express your individuality. It also represents your motivations. However, sun sign astrology represents only one part of your personality, and your astrology chart has other influences (we will cover these in later articles), so your sun sign may not match you perfectly. People are complex, and even astrology can’t categorize seven billion people into just twelve categories. 

You’ll need a few things to get started: your birthdate, time, year, and location. Once you have them, generate your chart using the link below:

In this article, we’ll be looking at sun signs, so use the chart to identify your sun sign and then read on to see what your sun sign says about you.

♈Aries: March 21- April 19

Aries is a fire sun, and people born during Aries season are impulsive, active, energetic, direct, and straightforward. Aries suns are also natural athletes with boundless energy. They know what they want, find the quickest way of getting it, and go for it. They enjoy a challenge and possess certain childlike qualities.

♉Taurus: April 20- May 20

Taurus is an earth sign, and people born during Taurus season are persevering, strong, and determined. Taurus suns are hard-working and dependable, and because they need security in their lives, they value tradition and steadiness. They also value material possessions more than other signs. They are also extremely stubborn when it comes to the things they care about.

♊Gemini: May 21- June 20

Gemini is an air sign, and people born during Gemini season are adaptable, flexible, and often have a dual nature. Gemini suns are curious, social, clever, and witty. They enjoy intelligent conversation and are easily bored. Fitting in with others is fairly easy, which means that they can change personalities quickly. For the most part, Gemini suns are lighthearted and fun to be around.

♋Cancer: June 21- July 22

Cancer is a water sign, and people born during Cancer season are protective, sensitive, complex, and thoughtful. They resist change and prioritize security. They enjoy reminiscing and are intrigued by objects that are associated with memories. They are one of the more hospitable signs of the zodiac because they care so much about everyone.

♌Leo: July 23- August 22

Leo is a fire sign, and people born during Leo season are dignified, affectionate, and loyal. Leo suns are motivated by their big dreams and plans, and they are idealistic yet self-aware. This combination means that they strive to achieve many things in their lives. While they often seem overconfident to others, they can be the most humble people in the room. 

♍Virgo: August 23- September 22

Virgo is an earth sign, and people born during Virgo season are wise, self-sufficient, organized, and respected. They are sensitive to their surroundings and embarrass easily. Virgo suns may seem closed-off when you first meet them, but as they become more comfortable, they talk more and more. That being said, they are not too comfortable being the center of attention, and they would rather run the show from the background as long as they are appreciated. 

♎Libra: September 23- October 22

Libra is an air sign, and people born during Libra season value equality, harmony, and balance. Libra suns are social, intellectual, cooperative, and approachable. They value balance so much that it is not uncommon for a Libra sun to tell a white lie as long as it makes someone happy. They have high expectations that stem from an inherent need to exact justice.

♏Scorpio: October 23- November 21

Scorpio is a water sign, and people born during Scorpio season are intense, rebellious, and ambitious. Scorpio suns are patient when it comes to the things they want; they wait for the right window of opportunity and seize the moment. They are not easily intimidated and swayed into anything, and this laser focus means that they rarely give up.

♐Sagittarius: November 22- December 21

Sagittarius is a fire sign, and people born during Sagittarius season are cheerful, restless, and friendly. Sagittarius suns are always on the go and are usually pretty laid-back. Because of their expressive nature, they have an infectious sense of optimism and a short temper. They are direct, honest, and love feeling free.

♑Capricorn: December 22- January 19

Capricorn is an earth sign, and people born during Capricorn season are realistic, grounded, and motivated by a need for recognition. Capricorn suns, like other earth signs, value stability, so they feel most secure when they are doing their part, whatever that may be, in society. They are reserved, practical, and often have a one-track mind. Considered the most resourceful of the zodiac, Capricorn suns are dependable and creative problem-solvers.

♒Aquarius: January 20- February 18

Aquarius is an air sign, and people born during Aquarius season are individualistic, open-minded, and observant pioneers. They can also be incredibly stubborn in their opinions. Aquarius suns are witty and honest. They value personal freedom, equality, and fairness, and they always try to prove that there is more beneath the surface of every person.

♓Pisces: February 19- March 20

Pisces is a water sign, and people born during Pisces season are empathetic, open-minded, and adaptable. They dream of a higher purpose and meaning in everything that they do. Pisces suns are insightful and creative; they believe in people and have a hard time denying them. They are often the artists of the group, but they value creative expression and flexibility regardless of their hobbies and interests. 

Interested in learning more about astrology? Check out our weekly horoscope section (you can find this by clicking on the three horizontal bars in the top right corner and then on the heading “Weekly Horoscope”). Stay tuned for the rest of this Beginner’s Guide as well! 

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