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School Psychologists: A Viable Career Option

School Psychologists: A Viable Career Option

Dr. Anderson, Hamilton’s school psychologist, in his office. Photo by Julia Igl.

Julia Igl

A common misconception is psychologists work solely with students on mental health related issues. However this is only one aspect of a job that covers a much larger field with a wide range of job responsibilities. Our school’s psychologist, Dr. Anderson, is currently in his first year at Hamilton, but has worked in this field for the past 25 years.

School psychologists are required to have a graduate degree in order to practice. This can be acquired either in a specialist level degree program or a doctorate program. Prior to this, it is often recommended that candidates for a program receive a bachelor degree in psychology, child development, or education. As part of their training program, school psychology students must also complete a year-long practicum in a K-12 school setting and, at the doctoral level, an additional year-long internship.  The internship often takes place in a mental health facility.  According to Dr. Anderson, this training covers the “mental health, learning, and behavior” of students.

School psychologists work on improving challenges students face at school. This includes, “academic challenges or emotional, behavioral, or social problems.” A major responsibility of this job is working with teachers, administrators, and parents to help students become more successful.  Dr. Anderson works within the Student Support Services Team. This group is composed of the school counselors, school social worker, school psychologist, and school nurses. School psychologists also work directly with students.  

For example, if a student is struggling with appropriate classroom behavior, as a first step, the teacher would contact the school counselor to express his/her concern.  If the issue were to persist, the school psychologist and social worker could also become involved to create a plan to help the student achieve.

Students or parents who have questions about mental health resources should contact their school counselor. 

The demand for school psychologists is currently on the rise and there is a shortage of positions filled. The average salary for school psychologists is $74,000. Students interested in this field should visit to learn more. 


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